Michael L. Brown

  • Dr. Michael Brown: A Word of Encouragement to the Global Prayer Movement

    Dr. Michael Brown: A Word of Encouragement to the Global Prayer Movement

    Believers around the world are hurting right now; in particular, charismatic believers involved in the global prayer movement. A key leader in that movement, a man known as a deeply devoted, godly believer, has credibly been accused of gross sexual misconduct, not once but a number of times. How could this be? How could it

  • Is ‘He Gets Us’ Presenting a Jesus Who Is Too Much Like Us?

    Is ‘He Gets Us’ Presenting a Jesus Who Is Too Much Like Us?

    I appreciate every effort to make Jesus known to a world that does know who He really is, especially to a world that has false perceptions about Him. I appreciate those who are willing to think outside the box and find unconventional ways to get people interested in hearing about the Savior. And I appreciate

  • How to Keep Your Sanity in a Crazy Election Season

    How to Keep Your Sanity in a Crazy Election Season

    Have you ever seen an election year like 2024? We’re not just talking about the normal intensity of election fever, with the constant bombardment of political ads, dueling polls, and round-the-clock cable news coverage. No, this year is quite different. On the one hand, a second faceoff between President Joe Biden and former President Donald

  • You Are Here for a Purpose

    You Are Here for a Purpose

    In recent months, I have spent a lot of time meditating on and praying about the meaning and the mystery of life. None of us asked to be born or created, yet with every fiber of our being, we want to live. And most of us have a strong desire to reproduce as well—to bring

  • When TikTok Encourages the Mutilation of Children

    When TikTok Encourages the Mutilation of Children

    The title of this article is not meant to be sensationalistic, nor is it designed as salacious clickbait. Instead, it is a fair and accurate description of a growing (and sickening) phenomenon on TikTok: Trans-identified adults telling children about sex-change surgery or simply encouraging these little ones to go fully trans. How can this be

  • When the Government Takes Your Children

    When the Government Takes Your Children

    It’s one of the ultimate nightmares. You find yourself living under a totalitarian regime that is militantly opposed to your personal beliefs and convictions. But you refuse to yield or cave in. To compromise is to lose your very soul. So the government fights back. “Go ahead and be a hero,” the authorities say. “But

  • Polyamory and the ‘Next Sexual Revolution’ That Has Been Here for Years

    Polyamory and the ‘Next Sexual Revolution’ That Has Been Here for Years

    On Jan. 23 I posted on X, “Five days ago @MattWalshBlog wrote, ‘This is now the fourth article in a major media publication in the span of one week pushing ‘polyamory.’” Today, the @WSJ noted that ‘polyamory is having a moment.’ Perhaps this article that I wrote in 2012, called, ‘The Next Sexual Revolution Has

  • Mark Cuban, Elon Musk and the Question of Diversity Hiring in the NBA

    Mark Cuban, Elon Musk and the Question of Diversity Hiring in the NBA

    In a previous article, I referenced the X interaction between Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team, and Elon Musk, the richest man in the world. Their interaction focused on the subject of diversity, equity and inclusion and hiring practices, leading to a very sharp barb by Musk. (More on that

  • Is It Time to Scrap the Term ‘Evangelical’?

    Is It Time to Scrap the Term ‘Evangelical’?

    There are many followers of Jesus in America today who do not describe themselves as “Christians.” It is not because they are ashamed of their faith. Instead, it is because the word “Christian” has become so diluted that almost anyone can call themselves a Christian, regardless of how they live or what they believe. To

  • Should a Christian Actor Participate in a Nude Love Scene?

    Should a Christian Actor Participate in a Nude Love Scene?

    An article by Kelsey Dallas in the Deseret News asks, “Can you be a Christian and play a sinful character on TV?” Dallas then notes that “Alan Ritchson, the star of ‘Reacher,’ says you certainly can, and he’s unhappy with ‘supposed Christians’ who have a problem with him taking on a ‘morally ambiguous’ role.” The

  • Please Don’t Tell Me That God Is Punishing the Jews, Especially Today

    Please Don’t Tell Me That God Is Punishing the Jews, Especially Today

    There are many areas of agreement between Jews and Christians. For example, both emphasize the foundational importance of loving God and loving one’s neighbor, as well as the importance of living by the ethical ideals of the Torah and the Prophets. Both emphasize a final Day of Judgment where we give account for our lives

  • Michael Brown: Woke Won’t Work

    Michael Brown: Woke Won’t Work

    For many years, I have been predicting a cultural pushback against the radical left, knowing that, at a certain point, people would say, “Enough is enough.” I have documented this in particular when it comes to transgender activism, with people as diverse as Joe Rogan, Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins, J. K. Rowling and Martina Navratilova

  • When God Moves, We Must Seize the Moment

    When God Moves, We Must Seize the Moment

    I began hearing about the “Pensacola Outpouring” (or, “Brownsville Revival”) several months after it began in June, 1995. Shortly after that, I read an article about the revival in Charisma magazine which quoted evangelist Steve Hill, whom I had known through the saintly revivalist and intercessor Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994). Steve was asked why he cancelled

  • Enough Already With the Pro-Trump Prophecies!

    Enough Already With the Pro-Trump Prophecies!

    Come November 2024, if Donald Trump is on the presidential ballot, he may be your candidate of choice. By then, he may have won the GOP nomination in a landslide. And for you, hands down, he may be your man for any of a thousand reasons. He may even be our next president. That is

  • Harvard President’s Resignation: Don’t Dare Pull the Race Card

    Harvard President’s Resignation: Don’t Dare Pull the Race Card

    There’s an old Jewish joke that goes like this. A Jewish man with a terrible stuttering problem tells his friend he’s going to apply for a job as a radio announcer, of all things. After the job interview is over, his friend asks him if he got the job. He replies, “Nnnnnnnno. Th-th-th-they dddddon’t lllllike

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