Michael L. Brown

  • Let’s Follow Jesus, Not Superstar Faith Leaders

    Let’s Follow Jesus, Not Superstar Faith Leaders

    It is one of the strengths of our American culture that we have learned how to make everything bigger and better. It is one of the weaknesses of the American church that we apply this same mentality to our faith leaders. We know how to turn servants into superstars! How foreign this is to the

  • Proclaim Jesus, not Your Political Candidate

    Proclaim Jesus, not Your Political Candidate

    While political pundits do their jobs in analyzing the presidential debate, I’ll do my job as a faith leader and encourage us to keep our priorities straight. As I posted earlier this year, preach Jesus and vote for your presidential candidate of choice, based on biblical principles. But do not preach your candidate. To do

  • Mini-Judgment Day Is Here

    Mini-Judgment Day Is Here

    The great British evangelist George Whitefield (1714-1770) once said (in the light of a plethora of lies and false accusations against him), “I am content to wait till the judgment day for the clearing up of my character. When I am dead I desire no epitaph but this, ‘Here lies G. W. What kind of

  • Judgment Starts With the House of God

    Judgment Starts With the House of God

    We are living in times of great shaking, of refining and purifying. How should we respond? In the words of the gospel song and the spirit of Isaiah 6, we should say, “Take the coal, touch my lips, here I stand.” Let the cleansing start with me. Without question, God is purifying His church, bringing

  • Needed: Revival of the Fear of the Lord

    Needed: Revival of the Fear of the Lord

    We desperately need a revival of the fear of the Lord, a recovery of the awe of God and a restoration of reverence. It is a life-and-death matter. The Word not only tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge (Ps. 111:10; Prov. 1:7) but also says, “The

  • In Uncertain Times, Stand on the Solid Rock of Christ

    In Uncertain Times, Stand on the Solid Rock of Christ

    We live in times of great shaking and tremendous uncertainty, times in which it is not hard to wonder, “What is coming next?” In times like this it is all the more important to put all our trust—not some, but all—in the Lord. He alone is our Rock, our refuge, our helper, our Redeemer. To

  • Radical Muslim Who Converted to Judaism: 1 Man’s Insights

    Radical Muslim Who Converted to Judaism: 1 Man’s Insights

    On June 12, the Jerusalem Post published an article by Ohad Merlin titled, “Gaza mosques to Jerusalem synagogues: A radical Islamist’s journey to Judaism.” It tells the story of Yaron Avraham, raised in Gaza as a radical Muslim but now a religious Jew who runs a restaurant in Israel. “The 12th child in a household

  • We Dare Not Squander This Moment

    We Dare Not Squander This Moment

    We are living today in one of the most critical moments in American history. How we respond today will go a long way in determining the future of our nation—or whether our nation even continues to exist as the United States of America. That’s why the title of my October 2021 book was “Revival or

  • Israel: Living Under Siege

    Israel: Living Under Siege

    The nation of Israel is different from any other on the earth, as it has been in an existential battle for survival from the moment of its birth in 1948 until this very day. It is under constant siege, and without constant vigilance (and the mercy of God), it would be eliminated from the map.

  • Our Prayerful Response to Pride Month

    Our Prayerful Response to Pride Month

    It’s June, which means that everywhere you turn, you’ll be confronted with LGBTQ+ flags, banners, memes and displays. But rather than let this constant, in-your-face display frustrate us, let’s turn it into a call for prayer. Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now!  That’s why I posted this week: Prayer is our

  • Agreed: Free Palestine—From Hamas

    Agreed: Free Palestine—From Hamas

    After his winning bout in a major combat sports event last Saturday night, UFC fighter Bassil Hafez said in an interview, “There is something I wanna say. I have been having it in my heart for a long time. I don’t support genocide. I don’t support innocent women and children being killed for war and

  • How We Should Respond to European Recognition of a Palestinian State

    How We Should Respond to European Recognition of a Palestinian State

    On May 22, Norway, Spain and Ireland announced their intentions to recognize a Palestinian state. As the Epoch Times reported, the announcement prompted “Israel to immediately recall its ambassadors to the three nations.” How should we respond? Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now!  The leaders of the three countries say they

  • Germany Ignores Horror of Exploiting Children

    Germany Ignores Horror of Exploiting Children

    In an indefensible, morally reprehensible ruling, Germany has drastically reduced the legal consequences of child pornography. There is no universe in which such a ruling can be justified. The very thought of it is horrible. As reported on Reduux, “Germany’s Parliament (Bundestag) has received the votes necessary to remove a section of the Criminal Code

  • What the Church Can Learn From LGBTQ+ Activists

    What the Church Can Learn From LGBTQ+ Activists

    In October 2007 I delivered a series of lectures on the subject of “Homosexuality, the Church and Society.” These were held at the Booth Playhouse in the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center in the heart of Charlotte, North Carolina, and they attracted considerable local media attention. One of the lectures was titled, “What the Church Can

  • Did Harrison Butker Dare Give a Catholic Commencement Speech at a Catholic College?

    Did Harrison Butker Dare Give a Catholic Commencement Speech at a Catholic College?

    Though a petition calling for the firing of Harrison Butker, one of the NFL’s greatest placekickers, has gained more than 100,000 signatures, sales of his jersey are skyrocketing. Why all the controversy? This past Sunday, Butker, who plays for Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs and is a traditional Catholic, delivered the commencement address at

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