Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophecy: ‘I’m Calling You to Set Yourself Apart’

The great falling away is underway. On top of high-profile Christian leaders falling into gross sin, we’re seeing notable authors, songwriters and others denying Christ as Savior. All the while, pastors continue committing suicide.

The Holy Spirit told me several weeks ago to be a forerunner in the season of consecration He is leading us into. I have set myself apart at another level. On my “Mornings with the Holy Spirit” prayer broadcast, I prophetically announced the season of consecration. Then I prophesied:

“There is much deception rising in this hour—and even some of My elect are being deceived by doctrines of demons and spirits of suicide. And the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life are taking out some of My soldiers, whom I love.

“In this season, I’m calling you to draw yourself away, to set yourself apart. For I have set you apart for My purposes, but you must set yourself apart for My purposes in order to step into everything I’ve planned for you since before the foundation of the earth.

“For when you were in your mother’s womb, you were consecrated unto Me. And when you entered into this world, you entered a new reality, where your physical senses began to supersede your spiritual senses. But I want to make you so sensitive to My Spirit that when you open your eyes in the morning, you begin to see angels, you begin to see demon powers and you begin to see pictures of My glory.

“I’m calling you to set yourself apart. I’m calling you to consecrate yourself unto Me, now. Do not wait and do not hesitate, for the enemy is raging. He is attacking left and right, back and forth, from behind and in the front. He is taking out My children, one by one by one and it grieves My heart. And I want to protect you. I want to hide you under the shadow of My wings. But you must fear My name. You must walk circumspectly to walk in the fullness of My protection. You must not look to escape My will, looking here, there and everywhere for the pleasures of the world—the pleasures of the season.

“You must take your pleasure in Me. You must set yourself apart for Me because I have set you apart for Myself, and together we will go into places and see things that you did not know existed. And the holiness, the cooperation with My grace unto sanctification, more and more sanctification, will take you into realms that you did not know existed. And the price you will pay will be worth it because you’re not only working out your salvation with fear and trembling, but you’re also ensuring that you’ll cross the finish line.

“For those who endure to the end shall be saved. So pledge to your own heart that you will decide to live a consecrated lifestyle; not just for a season, not just for a few days of consecration, but a consecrated lifestyle. I am looking for some even to take a Nazirite vow, to go to the extreme for Me, to set themselves apart to the extreme for Me and to make some sudden changes that may shock those around you, but they won’t shock Me because I see you doing this. I see you succeeding in this. I see you.

“If you want to see Me more, pursue holiness. For My Word says (does it not?) to pursue peace with men and holiness, without which no one shall see the Lord. Pursue holiness, and I will make you holy even as I am holy. Set yourself apart. Consecrate yourself to Me, for Me, and I will give you the grace to do it. And yes, there will be resistance against this endeavor. Yes, there will be challenges, and yes, the enemy will come and ramp up the temptations against your heart. But My grace is sufficient for you.

“And pretty soon, the passing pleasures of this age will not be appealing to you any longer. As you consecrate yourself to Me, those things that used to tempt you, that used to woo you, even the food that you eat—your desires will change. The closer you get to Me, the less you’ll desire of the things of the world. And I will use you to do great and mighty things—exploits. Consecrate yourself today and even by tomorrow, you will see the difference in the sensitivity to My Spirit, the joy in your heart and the peace in your soul. Consecrate yourself.

Jennifer LeClaire is the former editor of Charisma magazine and the founder of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries. She is the author of the following books: Becoming a Next-Level Prophet, 101 Tactics for Spiritual Warfare, Waging Prophetic Warfare, Decoding Your Dreams and Defeating Water Spirits.

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