
  • Jonathan Cahn on the Coming of God’s Wrath Against Mockers

    Jonathan Cahn on the Coming of God’s Wrath Against Mockers

    In a recent prophetic message, Jonathan Cahn issued a dire warning about the consequences faced by those who mock God, highlighting instances such as the death of a Turkish member of parliament and emphasizing the lessons to be drawn from these events. While many may believe that the God of the Old Testament is different

  • Turkish Lawmaker Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Criticizing Israel

    Turkish Lawmaker Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Criticizing Israel

    In a dramatic turn of events, Turkish lawmaker Hasan Bitmez, 53, suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed on the floor of the Turkish National Assembly on Tuesday. The incident occurred moments after he delivered a harsh critique of his country’s response to the Israel-Hamas war. Bitmez, who serves as the deputy head of Turkey’s Felicity

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