
  • Walk Fearlessly Into Your Destiny

    Walk Fearlessly Into Your Destiny

    The enemy of our soul, the devil, is an identity thief operating in his No. 1 weapon: fear. He tries to steal our purpose, destiny and God’s best for our lives. Fear is the stronghold of the enemy that torments people with bondage over their minds, bodies, families, finances and marriages. John Ramirez, author of

  • What Can We Learn From Memorial Day?

    What Can We Learn From Memorial Day?

    When we lived in the U.S. Midwest, Memorial Day weekend always seemed like the beginning of summer. For our family, it always included planting (or replanting) annual flowers. Flower bulbs and seeds are somewhat homely by themselves, but they hold hidden life and beauty within their uninteresting exterior.  They actually have two realities: One flourishes

  • Step Into Your Destiny

    Step Into Your Destiny

    When it comes to running their race and fulfilling the dreams God has placed in their hearts, I believe a lot of Christians are stuck in the starting blocks. They aren’t sure how a situation is going to turn out or exactly what they should do, so they do nothing. Instead of running the race

  • Vladimir Savchuk: The Battle for Deliverance

    Vladimir Savchuk: The Battle for Deliverance

    God is building up an army of soldiers who are engaging in spiritual warfare and setting the captives free. We are in a cosmic spiritual war between evil and good. I have learned the importance of the hard-fought freedom that comes with true deliverance, and I hope to share my experience and passion as I

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