
  • If You’re Called to Ministry, There’s a Price to Pay

    If You’re Called to Ministry, There’s a Price to Pay

    I served the Lord as a journalist for many years before God called me into the ministry. And I ran from that call for a while, mostly because of my fears. It didn’t help when I examined the lives of the ministers I knew. It was obvious they paid a high price. Ministry isn’t glamorous,

  • 3 Rules for a Prosperous Life

    3 Rules for a Prosperous Life

    Time has a funny way of making us reprioritize what is important in life, as well as how we view our relationship with God. When Benny Hinn sat down with Charisma Media founder Stephen Strang for an episode of the Strang Report podcast, he did more than just discuss mistakes he had made in the

  • Messianic Rabbi: The Best Thing About the Story of Jonah

    Messianic Rabbi: The Best Thing About the Story of Jonah

    I am so thankful that the book of Jonah was included in our Bibles because this short book provides one of the most powerful and encouraging messages, not just in the Old Testament, but in the entire Bible. The book begins this way: “Now the word of Adonai came to Jonah, son of Amittai, saying:

  • Food Banks to Freedom Fighter: Troy Brewer’s Incredible Story of Combating Child Trafficking

    Food Banks to Freedom Fighter: Troy Brewer’s Incredible Story of Combating Child Trafficking

    In a world fraught with peril, the Christian community stands united in its fight against the grave threat of child trafficking. As believers hold fast to their faith, they respond to an urgent call to defend the most vulnerable members of society. Child trafficking, a deeply disturbing reality that shatters lives, is met with a

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