
  • Are You Claiming Your Kingdom Authority?

    Are You Claiming Your Kingdom Authority?

    You should strive to use your kingdom authority over all your trials and challenges. You should begin to speak life over your situation and your family. Some are magnifying so much of what your family has been through or where you came from. They focus on generational concerns because someone in your family is into

  • Authority Myth Still Keeping Women From Ministry Despite Recent SBC Vote

    Authority Myth Still Keeping Women From Ministry Despite Recent SBC Vote

    Sixty-one percent of the delegates at the Southern Baptist Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, voted for a constitutional ban on all churches that have a woman on staff who bears the title of “pastor.” But the vote fell short of the required two-thirds majority necessary for a constitutional amendment. The amendment would not have changed the

  • Do You Know Your Place in the Kingdom of Heaven?

    Do You Know Your Place in the Kingdom of Heaven?

    It is time for the children of the kingdom to take their place as sons and daughters of God. “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence” (Matt. 11:12 b, NKJV). What does this mean? It means that the kingdom of God, the things of Christ, the gospel all suffer violence. More than ever before, the enemy

  • When Your Child Says They See Demons, Take Them Seriously

    When Your Child Says They See Demons, Take Them Seriously

    For many parents, the topic of seeing demons often is chalked up to a wild imagination and not a spiritual attack. And sometimes kid’s imaginations do get the better of them; they are children, after all. But what happens when children start telling their parents that they are seeing monsters, and insist they are real?

  • King Charles: Prophetic Warning Unveils Shifting Power

    King Charles: Prophetic Warning Unveils Shifting Power

    Amid King Charles III’s cancer diagnosis, prophetic words are being unveiled that foresaw a short reign for the king and a transitional power shift to Prince William. Looking back at old prophetic clips, Joseph Z shared the prophetic words God had placed on him about what would happen with a power shift in the British

  • 7 Steps to Combat Astral Projection: Embracing Divine Protection

    7 Steps to Combat Astral Projection: Embracing Divine Protection

    Astral projection, a phenomenon steeped in mystery and intrigue, has captured the curiosity of many, but its risks often lurk beneath the surface. In an exclusive Charisma News interview, author, filmmaker and end-times expert L.A .Marzulli discusses how believers can effectively combat astral projection by harnessing the power of divine authority and angelic intervention. 1.

  • Guidelines for Ministering Deliverance, Part 1

    Guidelines for Ministering Deliverance, Part 1

    Praying for deliverance is something that must be done with encouragement, acceptance and love. To deliver someone, demons must be driven away and access doors closed to prevent the return of the evil spirits. Access doors can be opened by hurts, sins and unforgiveness and will remain open if these feelings are not dealt with

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