Chad Dunlap

  • How Can I ‘Hear’ the Holy Spirit?

    How Can I ‘Hear’ the Holy Spirit?

    Believers often grapple with the challenge of distinguishing their own thoughts from the voice of the Holy Spirit. David Diga Hernandez, in an exclusive Charisma News interview, emphasizes the importance of recognizing that hearing the Holy Spirit is not a skill to be acquired but a sense to be sharpened. Hernandez notes, “It’s not a

  • 7 Steps to Combat Astral Projection: Embracing Divine Protection

    7 Steps to Combat Astral Projection: Embracing Divine Protection

    Astral projection, a phenomenon steeped in mystery and intrigue, has captured the curiosity of many, but its risks often lurk beneath the surface. In an exclusive Charisma News interview, author, filmmaker and end-times expert L.A .Marzulli discusses how believers can effectively combat astral projection by harnessing the power of divine authority and angelic intervention. 1.

  • 4 Ways to Hear God’s Voice

    4 Ways to Hear God’s Voice

    Understanding the various degrees of hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit is crucial for believers seeking guidance in their everyday lives. In this article, we explore the four distinct channels of communication: Word, Wisdom, Whisper and Wonders. Each plays a unique role in our spiritual journey, providing insights into God’s will and transforming our

  • Beyond the Noise: 3 Essential Keys for Hearing the Holy Spirit

    Beyond the Noise: 3 Essential Keys for Hearing the Holy Spirit

    Believers often grapple with the challenge of distinguishing their own thoughts from the voice of the Holy Spirit. David Diga Hernandez, in an exclusive Charisma News interview, emphasizes the importance of recognizing that hearing the Holy Spirit is not a skill to be acquired but a sense to be sharpened. Hernandez notes, “It’s not a

  • Perry Stone: Tools for Conquering 4 Satanic Strategies

    Perry Stone: Tools for Conquering 4 Satanic Strategies

    Satan’s goal is to entice believers to sin, give up, hide their faith and ultimately turn away from God. Perry Stone recently discussed “Weapons to Defeat 4 Satanic Strategies” and how to live as an overcomer. Stone says, “The New Testament provides a strategy for living as an over-comer, and a strategy that consists of

  • 7 Signs to Instantly Identify New Age Beliefs

    7 Signs to Instantly Identify New Age Beliefs

    In a world where spirituality takes various forms, it is crucial for Christians to discern the true beliefs and values of individuals they encounter. According to Pew Research, approximately 60% of American adults embrace at least one New Age belief. More specifically, 40% of individuals believe in the existence of psychics and the presence of

  • 7 Ways to Live a Victorious Life

    7 Ways to Live a Victorious Life

    Fear has the power to paralyze individuals, preventing them from living fulfilling lives. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy and wants to steal your peace daily. As believers, we know that Jesus came to give you life and give it to you more abundantly. Your life is moving in the direction of your strongest

  • 7 Ways to Live a Victorious Life

    7 Ways to Live a Victorious Life

    Fear has the power to paralyze individuals, preventing them from living fulfilling lives. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy and wants to steal your peace daily. As believers, we know that Jesus came to give you life and give it to you more abundantly. Your life is moving in the direction of your strongest

  • 7 Things to Consider Before Attending a Gay Wedding

    7 Things to Consider Before Attending a Gay Wedding

    Attending a gay wedding can pose a significant dilemma for Bible-believing Christians. On the one hand, there is the desire to show love and friendship towards the individuals involved. On the other hand, there is the conviction that attending the wedding might be seen as endorsing a union that the Bible considers immoral and against

  • Rate Your Walk with God: ABCD?

    In the journey of faith, believers can fall into different categories based on their level of commitment and spiritual growth. Understanding these categories is essential for self-reflection and encouraging spiritual growth in our Christian walk. Here is a list of the contrasting characteristics between apostates, backsliders, carnal Christians and devoted followers of Christ. 1. Apostate

  • For Your Safety: Turn on the Lights

    The significance of using lamps and lights in biblical times extends beyond physical safety while traveling at night. These ancient sources of illumination carry profound symbolism and spiritual lessons for believers today. The Bible explores how God’s Word serves as our spiritual lamp and light, guiding Christians on the path of righteousness and leading sinners

  • 5 Ways You Can See UFOs

    Over the recent weeks, there has been a sudden increase in reports of Unidentified Flying Objects and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. This topic has captivated human curiosity for decades, sparking debates about their origins and purpose. While the scientific community often explores the possibility of extraterrestrial life, it is important to consider the matter from a

  • Is Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer in Heaven?

    Is Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer in Heaven?

    Read Time: 3 Minutes, 10 Seconds Is it possible that behind the pearly gates of heaven there are murderers, pedophiles and cannibals walking along the streets of gold? We are taught in the book of Romans, “That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him

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