Chris Garcia

  • Enter Into Praise

    Enter Into Praise

    Right before Mary gave birth to Christ, she was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to sing praise. She began to sing a song unto the Lord. She became the fulfillment of Miriam. “Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah [which means

  • Are You  Spirit-Led?

    Are You Spirit-Led?

    Some of you are looking for a touch for your soul but need to come to Jesus first. There are moments in time when you have to do what King David said. He said, “Why is my soul downcast?” “Why is my soul downtrodden?” (See Ps. 43:5). You need to put all hope in the

  • Praying in the Holy Spirit

    Praying in the Holy Spirit

    So many times we approach God as a force field or feeling. We are approaching Him who lives. We are approaching our heavenly Father who is alive through the Spirit. Many times, the Holy Spirit has to remind me. “Chris, I am a person. It’s not just a prayer list. It’s not just a prayer

  • An Upside-Down Kingdom

    An Upside-Down Kingdom

    I would like to share a testimony as to how upside down the kingdom seems to us at times. My second year of Bible school was a really rough time for me financially. I did not have a car or means of transportation, and my paycheck was around $237 a month, maybe. I had a

  • Cultivating the Spirit

    Cultivating the Spirit

    The fire of God comes from God. You cannot produce fire by yourself. No. 1, you must understand that the fire of God cannot be replicated. It is not something that comes from you. God is the one who provides the fire: the fire of His presence. The zeal. The passion. The desire for Him.

  • What Are You Focused On?

    What Are You Focused On?

    You cannot keep your eyes on the Holy Spirit and yourself. You cannot keep your eyes on yourself and on God and expect to be filled. So many times when we are in the presence of the Lord, He is wanting to minister to us or speak to our hearts. But our desire or how

  • Are You Claiming Your Kingdom Authority?

    Are You Claiming Your Kingdom Authority?

    You should strive to use your kingdom authority over all your trials and challenges. You should begin to speak life over your situation and your family. Some are magnifying so much of what your family has been through or where you came from. They focus on generational concerns because someone in your family is into

  • Are You Ahead of the Lord?

    Are You Ahead of the Lord?

    Some people want to get ahead of God. He is praying for you so much more than you can think of in the present moment. The way I see it or the best way I can describe it is like this: I see a pot of stew being prepared, like a soup with various vegetables

  • Who’s Your Stronghold?

    Who’s Your Stronghold?

    The battle of Jericho, with the walls of the city coming down, is a great example of warfare led by the Spirit of God. We need to understand what the people understood at that time. When the walls of Jericho came falling down, how was it done? The people of Israel were worshipping before the

  • Do You Fear the Lord?

    Do You Fear the Lord?

    Something that needs to be recovered into the church is a healthy fear of the Lord. In Isaiah 11:2, the Scriptures speak of the sevenfold Spirit of God. One of the aspects of this sevenfold Spirit of God is fear of the Lord. Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now!  There is

  • Are You Struggling to Hear God?

    Are You Struggling to Hear God?

    Many people in their worship time end up in the mindset of a struggling match with their wants, desires, worries and concerns. It becomes a time or battle in the mind with the flesh warring against the spiritual goals and desires to get closer to His presence. In the moment of this battle, if you

  • How Do I Know God’s Perfect Will for My Life?

    How Do I Know God’s Perfect Will for My Life?

    “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will

  • Are You Double-Minded?

    Are You Double-Minded?

    Meditation on the Word is crucial for the believing Christian. What are you filling your thoughts with? What are you filling your mind with during your worship or day-to-day activities? Are you filling your mind with your insecurities, your weakness, your lack, your worries and your concerns? The reason you may not be having victory

  • Do You Walk According to the Flesh or the Spirit?

    Do You Walk According to the Flesh or the Spirit?

    What does it mean to walk according to the flesh? It means that you walk according to the dictates and the impulses of your fallen nature. Your lower nature. The flesh doubts. The flesh is unbelieving. The flesh is fearful. The flesh is unable to submit to God. Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma

  • Do You Know Your Place in the Kingdom of Heaven?

    Do You Know Your Place in the Kingdom of Heaven?

    It is time for the children of the kingdom to take their place as sons and daughters of God. “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence” (Matt. 11:12 b, NKJV). What does this mean? It means that the kingdom of God, the things of Christ, the gospel all suffer violence. More than ever before, the enemy

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