Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

I would like to share a testimony as to how upside down the kingdom seems to us at times. My second year of Bible school was a really rough time for me financially. I did not have a car or means of transportation, and my paycheck was around $237 a month, maybe.

I had a friend whom I discipled in the beginning and who is now a pastor for the glory of Christ. At that time, I recall that we wore the same size of clothing. I remembered that he was in need of clothing, so I blessed him with half of my wardrobe.

At this time, I was going through some financial difficulties myself. I remember walking to my job, and I had holes in my shoes. I had a broken belt. I spent much time in prayer, much time studying, and I was able to work as I could according to the schedule of school. I remember there were times when it was raining and as I walked, my shoes would be completely drenched because of the holes in my shoes.

One day, I got so fed up and tired. “This doesn’t make any sense,” I thought. I had a moment of weakness. Have you ever had a moment of weakness where you love God, but you get upset with Him? I have been there many times. I remember that I went outside in the parking lot, shaking my fist at the heavens, at God. I was getting so angry, and I said, “Lord, this does not make any sense. I am in Bible school. I am seeking Your face. I am doing all these things for Your glory. I am loving You. I have holes in my shoes. I have a broken belt. I don’t have a vehicle and I am struggling, but I know that I am in Your will.”

I went back inside, and the host of the restaurant where I was working perceived by the Spirit that something was off with me. She said, “Hey, it’s OK. God has your back.”

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When she said this, I got so angry that I went outside and started yelling at the Lord again. “God, don’t you see me? Don’t you see what I am going through? I am not asking for much.”

All of a sudden, out of the blue, a thought came to my mind: “Go to Kohl’s.” This was in the parking lot across the street from where I was standing. It was very clear. When the Spirit of God speaks, He can say one thing and you know exactly what He is saying. That one voice “Go to Kohl’s” left me with the feeling that when I got there, I would receive more.

I simply had to obey the voice, so I stepped out. At that time, I had nothing else to do, so I walked through Kohl’s entrance when I heard a second voice in my spirit. He said, “Lay hands on all the clothes you need.”

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I must say I felt embarrassed and silly. But I walked over there, feeling insecure as I laid hands on socks, underwear, belts, jackets and shoes. As I was thanking the Lord, I looked around at the same time to make sure nobody saw what I was doing. “Lord, I thank You for that.” Looking around, I said, “Lord I thank You for this,” making sure no one could see me or what I was doing.

The Lord said “Thanking Me for these things.” That’s kingdom. “When you pray, believe that you have received them, and you shall have them,” He said.

After all this, I walked away from Kohl’s with absolutely nothing in my hands from the natural, but I was full of faith because I obeyed the voice of the Lord, and I walked a couple of blocks to my house.

Three months later, I had forgotten all about that encounter and experience. We took Communion on Sunday night, and the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart. He said, “I want you now to fast for three days. I want you to seek Me with all your heart.”

I obeyed immediately. I nourished myself upon the Word of God. I began to meditate on the Scripture. I prayed and spent time just loving Him.

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The third day came, I completed the fast and had a meal. It was a Wednesday, and I did not want to walk the two blocks to church. The church I attended was huge. It had about 7,000 people at that time. I walked there reluctantly, almost deciding not to go. During worship, as I was praising and loving on Him, suddenly an older woman turned around and looked at me. She was staring at me to the point where I felt uncomfortable.

At that moment, I was thinking, “Who is this person?” Feeling discomfort at this odd eye contact, I was looking away, searching for a quick escape. As soon as worship was over, she made a beeline straight to me, put both hands on my shoulders and said, “I know you don’t know me, but I am one of the students in your class.”

She went on to say, “I noticed how serious and studious you are. I also noticed that you are not here to play games. Always reading and writing.”

“The Lord wants you to know that you have a strong call of God on your life, and the Lord has asked me to sow into you,” she said. “What do you need?”

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I was very bashful at that time and started to turn away, looking down. She grabbed my shoulders, and I said, “Nothing; I am OK.”

“No, the Lord is showing me there is something you are in need of,” she said.

“Well there are a lot of things that I am in need of,” I responded. Again, I looked away, as I did not want to look at her.

“Look at me,” she said. “Young man, next Tuesday I am instructed to take you to Kohl’s to buy you some clothes.”

Immediately as she said that, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the three months before. He took me back and asked me, “Do you remember when I asked you to lay hands on all the clothing you needed? Do you remember when you were complaining, I led you? Do you remember when you sowed half of your clothes to that new believer I asked you to disciple? Do you remember when I asked you to fast and seek me for three days? Do you see how I have responded to you as you worshipped?”

The thought “Seek the kingdom first” came to mind. I began to weep. That precious, dear sister took me to Kohl’s and said, “Buy whatever you need. It is on me.” I purchased everything, and she paid for it all.

God wants to provide. But we have to do things His way, not ours. We can’t look to men for provisions. We look to the Lord, and He provides. We need to seek first the kingdom. We need to prioritize our spiritual walk with Him. We need to meditate upon His Word, delight ourselves in Him and He will give us the desire of the heart.

Isn’t God so powerful? Seek first the kingdom. Seek first His righteousness. Instead of looking for nourishment, look to be nourished in spirit. Instead of looking for the provision, seek the provider. Instead of looking for healing, consider dwelling with the healer.

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Chris Garcia is the founder of Father’s Glory International. Father’s Glory is devoted to promoting God’s manifested presence and power through the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is Father’s glory, and it is through the unveiling of the Son that lives are transformed. Chris is also a revivalist with a heart for the local church and serves as the lead overseer at House of Glory in Fort Smith, Arkansas. House of Glory is a Spirit-filled, fivefold apostolic revival hub that exists to cultivate the presence of God and the power of the gospel regionally and internationally. God is looking for those who will give Him a place to rest and allow His people to interact with His presence, power and glory. Second Corinthians 3:18 says, “But we all, seeing the glory of the Lord with unveiled faces, as in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord.” It is for His glory that we proclaim His name. Chris and his wife, Zuly, reside in the Fort Smith area with their three children. His new book, Fresh Oil,” releases Tuesday, Nov. 5, and is available for pre-order now on Amazon.

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