Sun. Mar 16th, 2025
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God thought about you before the foundation of the world. God planned you. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God knows the thoughts and the plans He has for you. The Bible says that all life comes from God.

So, if you’re reading this, no matter how you came into the world; whether your mom and dad were married; whether your dad didn’t want you—their soul, their mind, their will and their emotions do not determine your value.

You have to understand your value. You can’t afford to think less of yourself than the Father thinks of you. And His thoughts toward you are wonderful and far outnumber the grains of sand on this planet. I can’t afford to have thoughts in my head that my Father doesn’t have in His head. I have lived for 17 years without condemnation, guilt or shame. They’re not mine. I gave them up 17 years ago when I got saved. It is the enemy who is guilty, ashamed and condemned for eternity—not you.

He will do anything he can to drag you down to his level of depravity. You are not allowed to think like the devil. You can’t afford to represent Jesus and think like the devil. You can’t afford to say, “I believe,” and think condemnation, guilt and shame. God loves you—every day, all day long.

We have to believe what the Bible says about us. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever [that’s me; that’s you] believes in Him shall not perish [Jesus crushes the fear of death]…” (John 3:16). Paul says that to live is Christ and to die is gain. That means that every day is “to live is Christ”; then one day, when I put off this tent, I’m just going to go and be with my Father. That takes away all fear. The perfect love of God casts out all fear. See, that’s my problem. I haven’t been afraid for 17 years. I lived in fear my whole life before Jesus.

In the world, the price that’s paid for something determines its value. If it’s true in the world system, how much did heaven pay for you? Heaven gave everything for you! How much is the Son of God worth? You weren’t redeemed with silver or gold. You were redeemed with the blood of Jesus. The price that was paid for you determines your value. Your mom or dad or whether people appreciate you or not does not determine your value. The cross determines your value, and it never changes! This revelation will change the way you look at yourself in the mirror.

Our Father God

God wants us to know who we are so we can represent Him on this earth. You have to understand that no matter how you grew up or who your parents are, you must be born again. Being born again is essential because it unlocks your potential. You have to have God come and make His home on the inside of you. You cannot afford to worship “a god” who is far away. You can’t afford to go through rituals, traditions and different things to “get to God.” There’s only one way to the Father—it is through the Son. Jesus paid a price for us to all have Christ in us.

We also can’t afford for God to just be God; He has to become our Father. Sometimes with the way we grow up, we don’t receive a good understanding of what the word “father” means, because our fathers were “so and so” or “such and such” a way with us. Many times we don’t think the right way because we think the “way that seems right to a man” (Proverbs 14:12). The problem is, when we grow up, we allow our lives to be manipulated by lies, by what happened when we were young and by our mom and dad not wanting us or rejecting us; so our souls must be sanctified when we get born again—our three-part being must be sanctified.

Our minds need to be transformed so that we can think like our Father thinks. It says in Romans 12:1 (NKJV), “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” God asks us to offer our whole body to Him, which is our only pleasing service to the Father. And Romans 12:2 says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Why? So that we can show people what the will of God is.

You are required to know the will of the Father. It is not a mystery. The will of God is determined by the life of Jesus. The life of Jesus paid a price to put that will inside of you. And God wants us to be renewed in the spirit of our mind. God wants us—needs us—to not be unwise but to know it, to have the will of the Father firmly established in us.

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Todd White is the founder and president of Lifestyle Christianity, located in Watauga, Texas. Lifestyle Christianity began in 2014 as the evangelistic ministry of Todd White. Todd became a Christian in 2004 when he had a powerful salvation experience. Todd was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years. He was at the point of suicide when God came into his life and set him free.

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