Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

What’s not to love about Christmas? Christmas is the special time when we celebrate that Jesus came to be Immanuel, God with us—our healer, the Prince of Peace and our everlasting hope.

Christmas can be an awfully busy season, too. Sarah Bowling and her daughter Isabell discuss how you can remain grounded during what can be a hectic time of year.

Isabell’s advice is to “Get into the Word and read all the Christmas Scriptures. Especially Isaiah 9:6, one of the prophesies about Jesus. “For a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.”

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The Creator of the entire universe came as a newborn into human existence. “This is an indication of the impossible, being made possible,” says Sarah. “What seems impossible for humans, is possible for God.”

The first description of Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 is “Wonderful Counselor.” Everyone knows there can be loaded memories associated with Christmas—an accident, an illness, a betrayal, a death. When we think about God as the Wonderful Counselor, we understand that He can help us navigate a difficult season because He is the ultimate Counselor. He bore all our trauma, our mental health challenges, our pain and our sorrow on the cross. He’s the one who can speak to that spirit of despair and hopelessness that can shows up at Christmas. You can invite God into your place of despair and depression and find healing. Jesus can relate to your earthly struggles and give you wisdom and comfort.

Isabell recalls, “One of my favorite Christmas traditions is looking at Christmas lights as a family. I love to see how all the homes are beautifully decorated. And I always look forward to going out as a family on Christmas day for an Italian dinner.”

“But Jesus is the reason for the season,” Sarah says. “After ‘Wonderful Counselor,’ the next description for Jesus is ‘Mighty God.’”

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Isabell explains, “The Hebrew words for ‘Mighty God’ tell us that God is physically strong with fortitude and lasting strength, and He is capable to supply our needs. The opposite of strength is weakness. The Bible has a lot to say about weakness—mostly, where we are weak, He is strong.” God can be the mighty God in your Christmas and for every day.

Isaiah 9 also talks about God as our Eternal Father. Relationships can be complicated with our earthly family, but thinking of “Eternal Father” grounds you in the reality that you are God’s child. “God, who is love, is infinite and everlasting. You’ll never run out of the infinite love of God.” Sarah says. “You simply can’t outrun God’s compassion and love.”

Scripture also tells us that Jesus is your Prince of Peace. Christmas often can be a less than peaceful time with families. There could be conflict or strife. “But Jesus came to bring peace,” Isabell points out. “Peace in your home, in your family, in your workplace and even in the malls. The Prince of Peace can bring you shalom peace, which is wholeness. Sometimes you might feel like you are lacking, that there’s a missing peace. You can ask Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to come and bring you the wholeness and peace you need in your heart and your mind.

But the most important gift at Christmastime that you can give yourself is a personal relationship with Jesus, your Immanuel.   

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Marilyn Hickey founded Marilyn Hickey Ministries more than 45 years ago with God’s vision to cover the earth with the Word. Marilyn co-hosts a daily television program, “Today with Marilyn & Sarah,” reaching a potential viewing audience of over 2 billion households worldwide. Marilyn communicates deep biblical truths in a way that is understandable and practical for everyday life.

Sarah Bowling is on a mission to connect everyone with the heart of God while loving those who are overlooked, excluded and ignored.  Led by Holy Spirit and anchored in the Word, Sarah seeks to inspire all to know the unconditional and transformational love of God in our daily lives. A Bible teacher, author, international speaker and global humanitarian, Sarah also co-hosts a daily television program, “Today with Marilyn & Sarah.”

Isabell Bowlings passion is to help people have a transformative experience with the power of God. She brings a fresh anointing of the presence and fire of God wherever she goes. Her faith and ministry was shaped by observation and prayer, watching the Lord work in and through her grandmother, Marilyn Hickey, and her mom, Sarah Bowling. After graduating from Oral Roberts University in 2023, Isabell joined the Marilyn & Sarah Ministries team, where she stepped into a powerful teaching ministry with her family. 

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