Wed. Mar 19th, 2025

You are a 5-year-old boy, and you are being visited by entities that scare the daylights out of you. You are taken by these entities; you are helpless against them. They do to you what they wish. You find yourself on a cold, metal table. There are Grays all around you. They are cold and emotionless. You have been here before—many times—so it is unsettlingly familiar. You are distressed, and you realize your bladder has released from terror. One of the Grays leans over your face, and you are forced to stare into its eyes. Your mind explodes with images and scenes that are unfamiliar and disturbing. You want to scream, but you can’t; you find that you are immobilized. Then you feel something being put into your leg. You open your mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. Then you black out.

What if These Entities Are Demonic?

I am always amazed when I talk to ufologists who insist that the phenomenon is benevolent, that these beings are really our space brothers who have come to rescue us. When I’m speaking at UFO conferences (which has recently become a rarity because people think I’m religious), I will usually start out my presentation by asking the audience this question: “How many of you think it’s OK to abduct a 5-year-old child and implant him?” Not one hand goes up—ever. Everyone in the audience, regardless of their paradigm or their belief system, knows instinctively, viscerally, that it’s wrong to abduct 5-year-old boys and implant them. And yet these are the same people who want to be taken, want to have contact, want to see our so-called space brothers return.

The “Ancient Aliens” show on the History Channel has been going on for over a decade now. I was on the first two seasons of the show, which led Richard Shaw and me to create the “Watchers” series, which now has 11 documentaries. Your kids and your grandkids watch “Ancient Aliens”; they’re internet savvy, and they spend more time on their cell phones than they do talking to you or their grandparents. They have been indoctrinated—and the church is asleep, afraid to talk about UFOs or the Nephilim or any of the important points of discussion found in the guidebook to the supernatural, the Bible.

Order your copy of L.A. Marzulli’s “Rungs of Disclosure” at Amazon today!

It is imperative to understand that we are at war here. There are two ideologies being promulgated. The ancient-alien paradigm tells us that we were created here, seeded here, by an advanced race of extraterrestrials. The biblical prophetic narrative states that God, Jesus specifically, spoke everything into existence. Jesus is not an extraterrestrial. He is not an alien. He is fully God and fully man. He spoke, and the universe was formed. His Word is true, and He will return soon. So these two paradigms cannot exist together; they are completely contradictory to one another. In the last two films of our UFO Disclosure series, titled “What Is the Truth?,” Gil Zimmerman and I delve into this in full detail.

Unfortunately, much of the church is afraid to even discuss this, yet all the kids in the youth group know about it. It’s time for the church to understand that this is the coming great deception. It is a calculated, nefarious agenda. The late Chuck Missler used to say he believed the Antichrist would boast of some sort of alien connection. I couldn’t agree with him more. It’s happening right in front of us. Every week there are new reports, new videos, new eyewitnesses to the UFO phenomenon. This is, in my opinion, the coming great deception, or as 2 Thessalonians calls it, the strong delusion.

What if Ancient Prophetic Texts Warn of These Entities In the Last Days?

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I call your attention to Genesis 3:15a (NASB 1995): “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed.” Three chapters later, in Genesis Chapter 6, in the days of Noah, the sons of God did the unthinkable and mixed the seed. Remember, Jesus warned us in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke that the end of days would be like the days of Noah. Out of all the places in Scripture He could point to, He chose that.

Remember too, at the time Jesus warned us there was no New Testament. There were a handful of followers who were hanging on His every word. Jesus assumed, rightfully so, that they understood what He was talking about. Josephus, the first century Jewish historian, stated in the “Antiquities of the Jews” that the bones of the Nephilim were on display in Jerusalem before A.D. 70, when Titus and the Roman army destroyed Jerusalem. In other words, the skeletons were displayed to show countless generations after the conquest of Canaan the reality of Genesis 3:15.

My mentor, Dr. I. D. E. Thomas, penned “Omega Conspiracy,” which has become a classic. Within its pages he set the record straight. It was a book that many of us cut our teeth on. I received my honorary doctorate from Thomas, and it was one of the most incredible days of my 73 years. I will never forget it. Until I read Thomas’ book, I was completely confused about Noah’s flood, the tower of Babel, Abraham and the kings, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and finally the conquest of Canaan, which, unless a person understands about the Nephilim and the seed war, is genocide.

Jesus also warned us to not be deceived. He then said that men will faint from fear from what is coming upon the earth. (See Luke 21:7–28.) Was He talking about a mile-wide asteroid? Or was He talking about a mile-wide mothership? In my opinion it’s not an asteroid. It’s something that’s been cooked up in hell’s kitchen for perhaps thousands of years. It is the endgame of the dragon. It is the great deception. Paul warned us that the dragon, Satan, will come with all signs and lying wonders (2 Thess. 2:9).

The theory of evolution has cut Christianity off at the knees, and it is now the prevailing paradigm in both the scientific community and academia. Darwinism states that we evolved over millions or billions of years to what we see now. This is in direct contradiction to the biblical narrative, which tells us that Jesus spoke everything into existence:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it (John 1:1–5).

Ufologists do not hold to a biblical paradigm; “Ancient Aliens” is a perfect example of this. The show’s creators never come to the truth. It’s like a dog chasing its tail around and around and around. Once we plug the biblical paradigm into the UFO phenomenon, everything makes perfect sense. It has taken me years of study and research to connect all the dots. I truly believe that we are in the last of the last days and that the UFO phenomenon is the coming great deception—and millions of people will believe the lie. Remember, Paul admonished us that because they did not believe the truth, God will send them strong delusion (2 Thess. 2:10–11). This is where we are. The strong delusion is manifesting in ways that I have never seen.

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What if These Other Dimensions Are Actually Described in Our Bibles?

The biblical narrative says there are three heavens. The first heaven is the earth and the atmosphere just directly above us. The second heaven, in my opinion, is the universe around us. The third heaven is where the Most High God dwells. We know from the book of Revelation that Michael and his angels will fight with the devil and his angels—the devil will lose that battle. The devil will be cast to earth along with all the fallen ones. I have come to call this “the great eviction” because this area of the second heaven will finally be cleared of all these foul and unclean spirits.

People who take the drug ayahuasca often report seeing the Grays when they pop up into what I call the second heaven. I remember reading in Graham Hancock’s book “Supernatural: Meetings With the Ancient Teachers of Mankind” that he was perplexed after taking ayahuasca; he saw the Grays and wondered what they were doing there. Unfortunately for Hancock, he completely dismissed the Bible, and thus, in my opinion, he can never come to the truth. Every shaman, witch doctor and occultist knows about the second heaven—it is the place they get their power from. They all know who it is that they serve and where that power they want comes from. It is from the dragon himself—he will bestow this power on those who give their souls to him. There’s always a price.

After Michael and his angels boot the devil and all his fallen angels and unclean spirits from the second heaven, a loud voice from heaven will say, “‘Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time’” (Rev. 12:12b, NKJV). Those two sentences are pregnant with meaning. How does the devil know his time is short? What are we looking at here?

The Dragon’s Final Deception

I have held to the biblical account that these intruders are, in fact, interdimensional entities with a nefarious, dark, demonic agenda. Everything connects back to the breeding program that we first discover in Genesis 3:15. This Scripture is the gateway to the rest of the biblical prophetic narrative. Once we plug this in, everything becomes extremely clear. There is a breeding program. The seed of the dragon continues, but they are not given in marriage the way they were in the days of Noah; however, it’s similar. Jesus warned us of this.

It’s time to wake up and understand that we are living in perilous times when the final endgame of the dragon is about to manifest—and millions of people will be deceived.

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L.A. Marzulli is an author, lecturer and filmmaker. The author of 12 books, including “The Nephilim Trilogy,” which became a CBA bestseller, Marzulli is a frank supernaturalist who lectures on the subjects of UFOs, the Nephilim and ancient prophetic texts, presenting his exhaustive research at conferences and churches, and through appearances on numerous national and international radio and television programs. His newest book, “Rungs of Disclosure,” released last month and is available at now.

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