
  • 3 Shocking Stories Everyone Needs to Know

    3 Shocking Stories Everyone Needs to Know

    The past couple of weeks have truly been historic. Take a moment and just consider some of the major events that we have witnessed. Donald Trump got shot, Joe Biden dropped out of the race for president and Kamala Harris quickly became the new presumptive nominee. It is hard to remember a time when so

  • What Are The Unusual ‘Dyson Spheres’ That Scientists Found?

    What Are The Unusual ‘Dyson Spheres’ That Scientists Found?

    In a new study, it was discovered that there are seven stars in the galaxy which have a bizarre structure surrounding them, which have been dubbed as ‘Dyson spheres.’ This discovery has caused even secular outlets like NBC and Business Insider to question if these Dyson spheres are actually structures created by intelligent life outside

  • Monoliths: A Supernatural Occurrence or an Out-of-Space Nightmare?

    Monoliths: A Supernatural Occurrence or an Out-of-Space Nightmare?

    Where did the mysterious monolith in Nevada come from? The strange monolith appeared in Las Vegas, Nevada, in the middle of a trail. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department shared the images of it on Facebook.   “We see a lot of weird things when people go hiking like not being prepared for the weather,

  • Are Nephilim Hybrids Alive Today?

    Are Nephilim Hybrids Alive Today?

    What are Nephilim hybrids, and are they a reality in our modern world today? In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media, Nephilim expert L.A. Marzulli discussed the very real possibility of Nephilim hybrids still in our world today. What exactly is a Nephilim hybrid? It is a being that is part human and part fallen

  • What Exactly Are Aliens?

    What Exactly Are Aliens?

    The supernatural phenomenon of “Are we or aren’t we alone in the universe?” has really picked up steam in recent years, and more people than ever believe this is in fact a spiritual issue. This discussion has become so prominent, the biggest podcast in the world, “The Joe Rogan Experiment” regularly discusses the topic to

  • Nephilim or E.T.? Harvard Scientists Theorize Their Earthly Existence

    Nephilim or E.T.? Harvard Scientists Theorize Their Earthly Existence

    Harvard scientists appear to be stumbling onto a discovery Nephilim experts like L.A. Marzulli have been speaking on for decades. In a recent paper released by Harvard University and Montana Technological University, the two groups surmise that there could be a hidden, technologically advanced race of beings living undetected on Earth. According to biblically based

  • L.A. Marzulli Uncovers Nephilim and the Heavenly Realm

    L.A. Marzulli Uncovers Nephilim and the Heavenly Realm

    It is through the blood of the Lamb that we overcome. In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media, L.A. Marzulli got down into the nitty gritty of the divine meaning behind Christ’s death and resurrection, and how it is by Christ’s blood that we can find the gate to eternity with the heavenly Father. “How

  • Las Vegas Analyst Shocked by Mysterious ‘Crash Site’

    Las Vegas Analyst Shocked by Mysterious ‘Crash Site’

    The talk of UFOs, UAPs, extraterrestrials, demons and the supernatural has flooded the media for the last few years, with Congress even going so far as to hold hearings on the phenomena. No longer is it just “crazed conspiracy theorists” who are talking about these encounters; now even licensed professionals are reporting odd disturbances taking

  • L.A. Marzulli: Have the Nephilim Invaded Gaza?

    L.A. Marzulli: Have the Nephilim Invaded Gaza?

    Are there Nephilim in the Middle East? In his most recent interview with Charisma Media, L.A. Marzulli discusses the possibility of Nephilim still being an entity in the Middle East. Relating back to the story of Joshua and Caleb, Marzulli points out how they conquered all the Nephilim tribes except for in Gaza. “In Gaza

  • Unexplained Weather Forecast: Are Aliens to Blame?

    Unexplained Weather Forecast: Are Aliens to Blame?

    Did UFOs cause a strange weather phenomenon? Alien enthusiasts are going wild over the possibility of UFOs causing massive 80-foot waves off of the coast of Africa. As Fox News reported, a weather model showed a massive “error,” which portrayed a system with 80-foot waves the size of Texas moving along Africa’s coastline. This led

  • Former MOD Head Reveals NASA’s Secret Funding Over UFO-Demonic Fears

    Former MOD Head Reveals NASA’s Secret Funding Over UFO-Demonic Fears

    In a shocking statement, former head of Great Britain’s Ministry of Defense, Nick Pope, asserted that NASA is discreetly funding theological conferences due to apprehensions about a potential connection between UFOs and “demonic” forces. Pope, in an interview with GB News, highlighted NASA’s desire to proactively address any convergence between UFO phenomena and beliefs in

  • Are Demons Behind the Latest Leak of Alien Spacecraft?

    Are Demons Behind the Latest Leak of Alien Spacecraft?

    The days of UFOs and aliens being relegated to the confines of fringe eccentrics who claim to be abductees in rural corners of the world are long gone. Now, there are congressional hearings, task forces and front page stories of whistleblowers who claim the U.S. government and the Vatican have evidence of these inter-dimensional beings.

  • Top of the Week: Hell Loses Another One: Reality Star and Tattoo Artist Baptized Into the Kingdom

    Top of the Week: Hell Loses Another One: Reality Star and Tattoo Artist Baptized Into the Kingdom

    Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the link to read the stories in full. Hell Loses Another One: Reality Star and Tattoo Artist Baptized Into the Kingdom All heaven is rejoicing because Satan has lost yet another soul. Katherine von Drachenberg, a

  • Morning Rundown: Devils or Aliens: What Does the Pentagon Believe?

    Morning Rundown: Devils or Aliens: What Does the Pentagon Believe?

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Devils or Aliens: What Does the Pentagon Believe? In a world that seems to be growing stranger by the day, the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrial life has shifted from the realm of science fiction to the halls of government and mainstream news. Mysterious sightings

  • Morning Rundown: Nephilim Expert LA Marzulli Warns Against Alien Hoaxes

    Morning Rundown: Nephilim Expert LA Marzulli Warns Against Alien Hoaxes

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Nephilim Expert LA Marzulli Warns Against Alien Hoaxes Aliens are hitting the headlines once more, with images from Mexico featuring what appeared to be mummified alien corpses. L.A. Marzulli, renowned supernatural and Nephilim expert, cautions Christians to discern between truth and deception in these turbulent

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