Top of the Week: Hell Loses Another One: Reality Star and Tattoo Artist Baptized Into the Kingdom

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Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the link to read the stories in full.

Hell Loses Another One: Reality Star and Tattoo Artist Baptized Into the Kingdom

All heaven is rejoicing because Satan has lost yet another soul.

Katherine von Drachenberg, a TV personality, tattoo artist, entrepreneur and recording artist, has laid down the occult and given her life to Jesus, capping a long journey of personal change by getting baptized in water as revealed by an Instagram video posted earlier this week.

Kat Von D, known for her work on the TLC reality television show LA Ink, renounced the occult and witchcraft last year. She has also long been known for her affinity toward all things Gothic.

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Tim Sheets Prophetic Dream: ‘Bears’ Are Going to Gasp Their Final Breath

Apostle Tim Sheets says that while God is shaking a number of things and people in this tumultuous world of ours, there is one comforting thought believers should take to heart: We ourselves do not need to be shaken because we are part of a kingdom that’s not going to be shaken.

Sheets says he recently had a prophetic dream about the month of October “that we’re now going to see God destroy the works of iniquity of the enemy.”

“I was in a wilderness, a huge forest,” Sheets says. “I heard a bear that was dying. I’ve hunted bear and I know what that sounds like. But I heard a bear’s death rattle. When a bear is dying, they will roar. It’s a fierce kind of roar; it’s their last gasp. I heard this, and I followed the sound and I go over and find a dead bear. I dreamed that for three weeks in a row three different times.

Close the Door on the Devil

October is here, and that’s demonic witchcraft month for root workers, soothsayers, fortune tellers, tarot card readers, mediums—all those who practice the secret magic arts of the satanic world. From animal sacrifices to human sacrifices, October is the high holy days of the demonic realm, pointing toward a strong finish in December while the church of Jesus Christ remains asleep or in the lap of the Delilahs of our world. Allow me, a former high priest of Satan, to point you to the truth amid this season of lies.

The devil loves holidays, special days, special events and special moments, and he loves humanity as if he created it for himself. His No. 1 identity is as the “father of lies” (John 8:44c). Through deception and destruction, he seeks to negate people’s purpose and destiny. He gloats over the false realities in his corrupt demonic mindset over humanity, and he loves culture, using it to create fashion, entrapments, setups and other allegiances to his kingdom.

All over the U.S., you can find the Halloween stores that pop up during October. Here in my city, one goes up every year, and the rent for that particular store in Manhattan, New York, is an easy $30,000 for the month. If you put on one of the costumes that fill the store and dress yourself up for the devil, you trade the pure identity God created you to have for a false one.

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6 Signs You Need Deliverance From Prophetic Witchcraft

I knew I was deceived. I just didn’t know if I was deceived by church leaders or the enemy. But in a moment of clarity, I decided it was possible the leaders of the church I had labored in for eight years were the ones in deception—and they were deceiving many others. After getting outside counsel, it was crystal clear prophetic witchcraft was plaguing my soul.

Prophetic witchcraft is not false prophecy, but it’s the source of the false prophecy that is concerning. While prophecy speaks the mind, will and heart of God for a person, situation or nation, prophetic witchcraft can oppose the will of God—or at least lead you into a different direction or out of God’s timing. Prophetic witchcraft taps into a spirit other than the Holy Spirit, who is the spirit of prophecy. Since the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus (see Rev. 19:10), prophetic witchcraft can’t be the testimony of Jesus—or what Jesus is saying.

Prophetic witchcraft confuses and deceives your soul. Your soul is your mind, will, emotions, imaginations, reasoning and intellect. When you align with prophetic witchcraft, it does plenty of damage to your soul, and it grieves the Lord. Remember, Jesus died for your soul. Your soul belongs to God (see Ezek. 18:4). With that, let’s explore six ways prophetic witchcraft damages your soul.

Devils or Aliens? What Does the Pentagon Believe?

In a world that seems to be growing stranger by the day, the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrial life has shifted from the realm of science fiction to the halls of government and mainstream news. Mysterious sightings of massive unidentified flying objects have sparked a wide range of speculations

But one perspective emerging from within the Pentagon offers a unique twist—the belief that these so-called aliens may, in fact, be demonic entities. This intriguing notion comes from a Christian perspective and is gaining attention, challenging conventional narratives surrounding UFOs and alien life.

In the past, discussions about UFOs and aliens might have been brushed aside as eccentric and implausible. However, the contemporary surge in UFO sightings and official inquiries has cast a spotlight on the phenomena in our skies, leaving many to question their nature and origins.

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