
  • Nephilim or E.T.? Harvard Scientists Theorize Their Earthly Existence

    Nephilim or E.T.? Harvard Scientists Theorize Their Earthly Existence

    Harvard scientists appear to be stumbling onto a discovery Nephilim experts like L.A. Marzulli have been speaking on for decades. In a recent paper released by Harvard University and Montana Technological University, the two groups surmise that there could be a hidden, technologically advanced race of beings living undetected on Earth. According to biblically based

  • WATCH: End Time Signs of the Coming Great Day

    WATCH: End Time Signs of the Coming Great Day

    “Now the Spirit clearly says that in the last times some will depart from the faith and pay attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared with a hot iron” ( 1 Tim. 4:1-2). There are many who are sounding the call to the days we live

  • Fox News Returns to Pushing Witchcraft and ‘Rage Rituals’

    Fox News Returns to Pushing Witchcraft and ‘Rage Rituals’

    Third time’s the charm, and in this case, it’s the reason you should turn off Fox News in your home. The news corporation is being lambasted by Christians, for the third time this year, for platforming the new age and witchcraft during its primetime programming. Host Jesse Watters is starting to make a habit of

  • Parental Outrage as School Keeps ‘Genderqueer Witch’ Speaker Under Wraps

    Parental Outrage as School Keeps ‘Genderqueer Witch’ Speaker Under Wraps

    America has reached a sad state in her education where students are simply not safe in public schools anymore. The threat of physical violence in many of the nation’s schools is not the only, or even most dangerous, factor facing young Americans today. It is the schools’ constant indoctrination into dark and deceptive practices and

  • Greg Locke: You Better Get Back on God’s Side

    Greg Locke: You Better Get Back on God’s Side

    The world is in such turmoil at the moment, it is easy to get caught up in it and get swept away by the deception spreading across the globe. But amid all of the media attacks on Israel, the university protests calling for the eradication of Israel and even those claiming to be Christians turning

  • Is 2040 The End of Humanity?

    Is 2040 The End of Humanity?

    We are often asked if we know what the date of the Second Coming is. The answer is unequivocal: No. We don’t know and no one knows (Acts 1:7). I would like to mention a number of interesting circumstances that are likely to occur around the year 2040. The Jewish calendar is based on a

  • Unexplained Weather Forecast: Are Aliens to Blame?

    Unexplained Weather Forecast: Are Aliens to Blame?

    Did UFOs cause a strange weather phenomenon? Alien enthusiasts are going wild over the possibility of UFOs causing massive 80-foot waves off of the coast of Africa. As Fox News reported, a weather model showed a massive “error,” which portrayed a system with 80-foot waves the size of Texas moving along Africa’s coastline. This led

  • End Times Revelation: The Harvest Is at Hand

    End Times Revelation: The Harvest Is at Hand

    There is no question that we are in the end times. From the signs in the heavens of the devil comet, blood moons and the April 8 eclipse, we’re already seeing the physical elements in the heavens proclaim God’s handiwork, and that He is coming again. We’re also seeing an abundance of earthquakes, like those

  • Jonathan Cahn Unveils Biden’s State of the Union Deception

    Jonathan Cahn Unveils Biden’s State of the Union Deception

    Was there something darker and more sinister to the president’s State of the Union address than most Americans realize? In a special message, New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn unveiled the moments of deception that the president hid behind in his address to the nation. Get your FREE CHARISMA NEWSLETTERS today! Stay up to

  • Why We Must Hear Our Father’s Voice

    Why We Must Hear Our Father’s Voice

    All around us, the hearts of men and women are failing. Many are spiritually asleep from sorrow over a world in turmoil. It’s so easy to listen to the voices of this world when we need to be hearing the voice of the Father. In 2012, when I was serving on the National Executive Committee

  • Don’t Be Pulled Into Despair Over the World Today

    Don’t Be Pulled Into Despair Over the World Today

    Have you ever wondered what you should do so you don’t get pulled into the chaotic swirl of moral and spiritual confusion sweeping the world today? Like a ship without anchor, this last-days generation is being tossed to and fro by a flood of deception and wrong influences that is tragically causing people to lose

  • Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: WWJD: Close IHOP? Attend Gay ‘Wedding’? Adjust Multimillion-Dollar Ad?

    Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: WWJD: Close IHOP? Attend Gay ‘Wedding’? Adjust Multimillion-Dollar Ad?

    Jesus told us that at the end of the age, deception would be the No. 1 sign prior to His return. Are you aware of that which is swirling around us to lead us on the wrong path? How about your church and your children? Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now!

  • How Africa’s False Prophets Are Spreading Deception

    How Africa’s False Prophets Are Spreading Deception

    In a church in Kampala, Uganda, a mysterious “prophet” known as Brother Innocent asks a woman to come to the front of the room. Then, in front of others, he puts on surgical gloves and reaches under the woman’s skirt to fondle her private parts. In most cases he eventually pulls out a piece of

  • John Ramirez: ‘Are You Going to Live, Stay or Die?’

    John Ramirez: ‘Are You Going to Live, Stay or Die?’

    When it comes to the things of the spirit, one thing is true: we have the option to either stay as we are or to grow more Christlike. Regardless of where you are now on your faith journey, one thing remains clear: God has a plan and a purpose for each of us in 2024

  • Online Pastor Charged in $1.3 Million Cryptocurrency Scandal

    Online Pastor Charged in $1.3 Million Cryptocurrency Scandal

    A Colorado-based pastor of an online church, Eli Regalado, and his wife are facing charges for allegedly pocketing $1.3 million through a cryptocurrency fraud scheme. What makes this case more astonishing is Regalado’s claim that he was following God’s instructions. Regalado and his wife marketed their cryptocurrency, INDXcoin, to Christian communities, assuring potential investors that

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