
  • 5,000 Near-Death Cases Studied by Doctor, Claiming Afterlife Evidence

    5,000 Near-Death Cases Studied by Doctor, Claiming Afterlife Evidence

    A Kentucky radiation oncologist who has spent the last 25 years studying near-death experiences says his research confirms that there is life after death. Jeffrey Long, the founder of the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation, told Business Insider that he was studying how to best treat cancer using radiation when he stumbled across an article in

  • Heavenly Vision: Find Supernatural Healing in the 4th-Dimension Vault

    Heavenly Vision: Find Supernatural Healing in the 4th-Dimension Vault

    Editor’s Note: This is part two of a three-part article. Find part one at this link and part three at this link. After this, I saw the chain fall off, and I opened the vault door. Inside were four scrolls. But then something happened. The chain became like a snake, and after opening the vault, it

  • Prophetic Vision: ‘I Have Treasures in the 4th-Dimension Vault’

    Prophetic Vision: ‘I Have Treasures in the 4th-Dimension Vault’

    Editor’s Note: This is part one of a three-part article. Find part two at this link and part three at this link. Not long ago, I had a great vision in the courts of heaven. There was a great vault. Inside the vault were scrolls—great treasures. But the vault also had a lock that needed to be opened and a chain

  • God Heals Man’s Inoperable Cancer When Chemo Wasn’t Possible

    God Heals Man’s Inoperable Cancer When Chemo Wasn’t Possible

    David Baker had stage four melanoma. A tumor on the side of his face had grown so huge he couldn’t see out of his right eye, and he could barely eat. Doctors said there was nothing they could do for him. David was suffering more and more, day by day. Still, he managed to get

  • FIRE IN MY BONES: Lord, Send a Fresh Pentecost

    FIRE IN MY BONES: Lord, Send a Fresh Pentecost

    Editor’s Note: Although Pentecost 2024 has passed, the need for the Holy Spirit’s power has not. Enjoy this column from former Charisma editor J. Lee Grady. On Feb. 17, 1967, more than 57 years ago, a miracle happened near Pittsburgh that the world has largely ignored. It happened at a small Catholic retreat center called

  • How Do We Engage the Culture If We’re Speeding to the End of Time?

    How Do We Engage the Culture If We’re Speeding to the End of Time?

    For decades, Pentecostals have been too passive when it comes to what is happening in the culture. During World War I, they were actually pacifists. That has gradually changed, and the culture long ago rejected the “holiness” legalism that characterized the movement. Now, on many issues like how we dress or what entertainment we consume,

  • Walking on Water: Moving From Doubt to Faith

    Walking on Water: Moving From Doubt to Faith

    Is there something going on in your life that seems supernatural, but you are afraid or unsure if it is from the Lord? Beloved, ask Him, “Lord, if this is You, help me to perceive You in this situation.” Then beloved, take hold of what He says and just do it. “Peter said to Him,

  • 7 Spiritual Dangers of Yoga

    7 Spiritual Dangers of Yoga

    Is the phrase “Christian yoga” an oxymoron? Can Christians practice yoga without compromising their faith? What spiritual influence is behind this popular megatrend? The answers to these questions may shock you. In 1970 I was a teacher of Kundalini Yoga at four universities in Florida, with over 300 students following my teachings. I also ran

  • YouTuber Sees Glimpse of Heaven in Supernatural Encounter

    YouTuber Sees Glimpse of Heaven in Supernatural Encounter

    What do believers do when they have a supernatural experience that others cannot connect with? Jennifer Bagnaschi of the Deep Believer YouTube channel has been inspiring people to tell their testimonies of faith and supernatural encounters with God. But Bagnaschi herself has an incredible testimony of how she saw God’s divinity in an incredible experience.

  • Morning Rundown: California Directive: Police and Fire Chaplains Told to Cease Prayers ‘In Jesus’ Name’

    Morning Rundown: California Directive: Police and Fire Chaplains Told to Cease Prayers ‘In Jesus’ Name’

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on California Directive: Police and Fire Chaplains Told to Cease Prayers ‘In Jesus’ Name’ A California police chaplain and a fire chaplain are demanding that their local city council revoke a recent order that forbids them from concluding prayers at events “in Jesus’ name.” First Liberty

  • Las Vegas Analyst Shocked by Mysterious ‘Crash Site’

    Las Vegas Analyst Shocked by Mysterious ‘Crash Site’

    The talk of UFOs, UAPs, extraterrestrials, demons and the supernatural has flooded the media for the last few years, with Congress even going so far as to hold hearings on the phenomena. No longer is it just “crazed conspiracy theorists” who are talking about these encounters; now even licensed professionals are reporting odd disturbances taking

  • Was Raisi’s Death a Sovereign Act of God?

    Was Raisi’s Death a Sovereign Act of God?

    It really makes you wonder when you look back at Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s statement of April 23rd, less than a month ago, as he threatened Israel with annihilation. It was during a visit to Pakistan that Raisi referred to Israel as the “Zionist regime,” whose destruction he promised if they would dare to attack

  • What Is the Biblical Definition of ‘Revival?’

    What Is the Biblical Definition of ‘Revival?’

    As impressive moves of faith unfold across America—from the beaches of northeastern Florida to the shorelines of Southern California—many are wondering if the country could be on the cusp of revival. Steve Gaines, pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, and the former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, is the author of the

  • Vatican Tightens Guidelines on Entertaining the Supernatural

    Vatican Tightens Guidelines on Entertaining the Supernatural

    The Catholic Church is tightening their rules about how to deal with the supernatural. In a newly released document, the Vatican is advising bishops no longer act alone when dealing with supernatural phenomena such as blood-soaked crucifixes and apparitions of the Virgin Mary. Instead, bishops should consult with the Vatican. The Vatican’s announcement acknowledged that

  • When Your Child Says They See Demons, Take Them Seriously

    When Your Child Says They See Demons, Take Them Seriously

    For many parents, the topic of seeing demons often is chalked up to a wild imagination and not a spiritual attack. And sometimes kid’s imaginations do get the better of them; they are children, after all. But what happens when children start telling their parents that they are seeing monsters, and insist they are real?

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