Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

The Ancient Prophecies & Mysteries Behind What Is Happening to Our World

One of the end-time mysteries in The Dragon’s Prophecy concerns the nation of Iran. The Bible foretells that in the last days, not only will Israel be in the center of world controversy–but so will the nation of Iran (Persia)–so they are. It specifically prophesies that Iran will be Israel’s enemy. So it is. Further, it foretells that Iran will attack the land of Israel. The fulfillment of this is still yet to come. But it has never before happened that Iran actually and directly attacked the nation of Israel. As I was working on The Dragon’s Prophecy, I was opening several ancient mysteries that ordained the attack of Iran on Israel – and then it happened. For the first time ever, Iran directly attacked the land of Israel. We crossed a prophetic line. And now, on the eve of the Hebrew holy days, Iran has again crossed a prophetic line in sending ballistic missiles into Israel. Israel has promised to strike back. Iran has promised deadly consequences. We are truly living in prophetic times. I didn’t plan to write The Dragon’s Prophecy. The Lord interrupted me. Now I know why!

Order Jonathan Cahn’s “The Dragon’s Prophecy” on Amazon.com!


Our world is on fire. That which was ignited one year ago on Oct. 7, when Hamas, backed by Iran, invaded Israel and massacred over 1,200 Israeli men, women, youths, children and babies now rages throughout the Middle East. Israel has struck Hezbollah. Iran has struck Israel. And the world now watches on edge in fear of the beginning of a regional war, if not a world war.

What is happening? Is the world spiraling out of control?

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It was a Friday night when I was led to speak at Beth Israel, the congregation I lead in northern New Jersey on an ancient mystery. The mystery was over three thousand years old. It went back to the Bible, to the Book of Leviticus. It wasn’t what I fathomed would happen, but the mystery itself ordained that a calamity would come to the nation of Israel. More specifically, the mystery determined the following:

  1. Israel would be invaded. The invasion would catch the nation off-guard. It would result in calamity.
  2. The invasion would take place in the year 2023.
  3. It would happen in the autumn of that year.
  4. It would take place in the month of October.
  5. It would happen on a Saturday, the Sabbath, the Jewish holy day of rest.
  6. It would take place on an ancient Hebrew holy day, one that went back to Mount Sinai and the Book of Leviticus.
  7. It would lead to war.
  8. It would take place on the first Saturday of October of 2023.

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The first Saturday of October 2023 fell on October 7. On October 7, Israel was invaded, and the nation was caught off guard. The result was a calamity that would lead to war. It happened on the Sabbath and on a Hebrew holy day, Shemini Atzeret, that was given on Mount Sinai and went back to the book of Leviticus. In fact, it happened the very next day after I shared the mystery.

To read the full story, visit our content partners at CBN News.

Reprinted with permission from cbn.com. Copyright © 2024 The Christian Broadcasting Network Inc. All rights reserved.

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