Sun. Mar 23rd, 2025

Kathryn Krick, a rising leader in prophetic ministry, appeared recently on The Strang Report to discuss her journey and insights into the current spiritual climate, along with her upcoming new book, “Unlock Your Deliverance.”

As Krick’s Five-Fold church has skyrocketed in attendance over the past few years, which Krick attributes to obedience and laying down her will for God’s perfect plan for her life, she notes how God has helped her to handle criticism and opposition she has faced throughout her journey.

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“The first time that I faced the enemy working through lies, false accusations, persecution…it was shocking,” she says. “When you care, when you’re really serving God and you’re carrying anointing, you have a target on your back. The devil has a target on your back. You’re doing the most damage to his kingdom when you carry the power of God.

“But the Lord has strengthened me. He’s helped me. He’s taught me a lot. One thing He has taught me is about picking up our cross. He’s taught me in His Word, how He reveals to us we will have persecution. He reveals to us that we will be hated…and He says, ‘Blessed are you who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.”

Krick also asserts that these trials are part of the cost of the anointing and what it means to be a disciple of Christ. For Krick, that has included dealing with scammers and impersonators who use her identity. This is something she says she uses vigilance with, warning others on her livestreams not to fall prey to these fake accounts.

“They’ll use my name and picture, have these fake profiles, and they’ll direct message people saying it’s me, that you need to sow a seed to an orphanage in order to have this attack from the enemy not happen to you,” she reveals.

Krick says dealing with the scammers and impersonators has been key for learning how to die to self and her ego, to lead the life and ministry she believes is a call on her life. She further discusses how proper stewardship and generosity is a call that we have been given to see the captives set free.

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“In the Word it says, ‘freely you have received, freely give.’ So, for every minister and every believer we should never be charging someone to pray for them,” Krick explains. “When we cast demons out and heal the sick, that is a free gift that God is giving to the people through us, and we give to the people our time and our efforts and our ministry.”

Working hand-in-hand with the proper stewardship necessary for biblical ministry includes seeing the fruit of true ministers and prophets of the gospel.

“The first part is the character, the fruit of the Holy Spirit in a believer or minister’s life,” says Krick. “Fruit of the Holy Spirit; they should be Christ-like, they should be patient, generous, they should be loving, not just to those who are kind to them, but to their enemies. They should be peaceful. They should be slow to anger, not angry, not judgmental, but instead giving people the benefit of the doubt, not quick to judge but letting God be the judge, being full of joy and sacrificing of themselves…”

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The second item of evidence in a minister’s life, Krick says, should be the fruit of the ministry itself. She believes that the biblical command to cast out demons and heal the sick are vital, and even more important, is the testimonies that come out of those who have been set free.

“We should be looking at the testimonies. That’s how you know if true fruit in a minister’s life,” says Krick. “It’s so important we take the Word seriously and just look at the fruit.”

Above all, Krick calls for Christians to surrender fully to God, following the biblical principles to cast out demons, heal the sick and proclaim the Word of God.

“Jesus has come to destroy the works of the devil. And so so many people are struggling with things, addiction, depression, anxiety, tormenting dreams, insomnia, many sicknesses, mental disorders,” says Krick. “All of these things the root is demonic oppression and deliverance is what is needed, the casting out of demons. Many believers need deliverance, and so that’s why the Lord’s led me to write this book, to share with people how to be set free.”

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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