
  • Why I Avoid Mudslinging Battles With Destructive Critics

    Why I Avoid Mudslinging Battles With Destructive Critics

    Constructive criticism is life-giving and life-saving, and we should all listen to truthful words of correction, exhortation, reproof and rebuke. As the psalmist said, “Let a righteous man strike me—that is a kindness; let him rebuke me—that is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it” (Ps. 141:5a, NIV). But destructive criticism kills.

  • Pope Francis Steadily Removes Vocal Critics

    Pope Francis Steadily Removes Vocal Critics

    In a move continuing the trend of removing anyone opposed Pope Francis’ direction for the Catholic Church, Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has officially been excommunicated after being found guilty of schism. Perhaps the Pope’s fiercest critic, Vigano has branded the leader of the Catholic Church a “false prophet” and “servant of Satan” while condemning

  • Benny Hinn Addresses New Critiques

    Benny Hinn Addresses New Critiques

    Benny Hinn has enjoyed seasons of effective, successful ministry and endured seasons of turbulence. To be sure, he has cut a bold figure across the evangelical and Pentecostal landscape over his nearly 50 years in ministry. As his jubilee year approaches, Hinn once more finds himself on the sharp end of a fresh batch of

  • Finding Freedom From Judgment and Criticism

    Finding Freedom From Judgment and Criticism

    Years ago, I was truly one of the most critical and judgmental people I knew. It was my default setting. If I was at the mall or even at church, I could look at someone and immediately make three or four judgments about their clothes, hair, behavior or family. Or if I walked into someone’s

  • Navigating Criticism on the Road to Redemption

    Navigating Criticism on the Road to Redemption

    Christian controversy just seems to be a thing these days. It bridges denominations, genders and borders, and when a big name in the Christian sphere stumbles or even falls on their face (metaphorically speaking), there is an army of online content creators waiting to pick their situation apart and offer their audiences a “hot take.”

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