Thu. Jan 30th, 2025

How Spirit-Filled Christians Must Respond to America’s Disturbing Ethical Trend

Something scary is happening to America’s ethics. Moral issues are becoming less about right versus wrong and more about “my truth and your truth.” Just look at the way our culture—media, politics, even schools—is blurring the lines on what consists of murder, sexual immorality or lying. This disturbing trend is the reason prominent theologian Wayne Grudem wrote his latest book, Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning.

Wayne joined me last week in the podcast studio, where I interviewed him on my “Strang Report” podcast about his new book. We discussed what inspired him to write the book, what ethical issues he addresses and why he believes our culture needs this lesson now more than ever. (Click on the podcast at the end of this article to hear our enlightening conversation.)

Wayne’s 1,296-page tome addresses the issues he has been teaching as a university ethics professor for 41 years. In fact, a lot of the book’s chapters grew out his lectures on ethical topics. As I flipped through several of the chapters, I quickly realized they were chock-full of wisdom.

“There are moral standards in the Bible that apply to all people for all time because they come from our Creator,” Wayne says. “But Christians can’t assume that they know those because they haven’t grown up in a culture where everyone assumes that it’s wrong to tell a lie, it’s wrong to take God’s name in vain, it’s wrong to sleep together outside of marriage. … I wrote the book to try to summarize what the whole Bible teaches on all these ethical questions.”

When I saw the sheer size of Christian Ethics, I knew it would be a popular staple in many seminaries and Christian universities. But I questioned how Wayne would get laypeople and pastors to buy—let alone read—the book. Yet he reminded me that his Systematic Theology, which is as long as his new book, still sells to Christians all over the world and in about 15 languages. He’s had people tell him that book has greatly affected their walks with the Lord and their own personal lives.

“I’m hoping that people will take away from the book a deeper confidence of what it means to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. That’s Colossians 1:9-10, and that’s my goal for the book.”

I think Christian Ethics will build you up in your faith—and perhaps be a great Christmas present for your pastor! The book is available at bookstores and online at Amazon.

Although some reviewers have complained about Wayne’s conservative bent regarding government and politics in the book, he says he hopes people can lay their criticisms aside and consider where in Scripture he is getting his beliefs.

But those same reviewers would probably also complain about my latest book, Trump Aftershock, where I detail how God is using Donald Trump to turn our nation in the right direction. From lessening federal funding for abortion to moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem to forcing Turkey to free wrongly imprisoned Pastor Andrew Brunson, Trump is shaking the world with his agenda. To buy a copy of my book and download a free chapter, visit!

I hope you enjoyed reading about Wayne’s powerful new book on Christian ethics. I encourage you to share this article on your social media and speak up for biblical truth.

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