Joyce Meyer

  • Laughter Is the Best Medicine

    Laughter Is the Best Medicine

    As a young woman, I was extremely serious. Because of the years of sexual abuse I endured growing up, I really never knew what it was like to have a childhood—to live care-free and just laugh and play. I’ll never forget the time I went to see a doctor several years back. As he examined

  • You Are More Than a Conqueror

    You Are More Than a Conqueror

    Are you fighting a battle right now? I believe we all have battles to fight at different times in life. But I want to encourage you. Whatever you may be facing today, know that, in Christ, you are more than a conqueror! Romans 8:37 (AMPC) says, “Yet amid all these things we are more than

  • What the World Can’t Give You

    What the World Can’t Give You

    People search for happiness in a lot of places. They look to things like relationships, money, vacations, houses, clothes and even open doors of opportunity. Yet while these things can bring a degree of excitement for a period of time, happiness is based on what is happening in the moment. I was a Christian for

  • Enjoying Life God’s Way

    Enjoying Life God’s Way

    I have a burden to see people enjoy the life Jesus died to give them—and I want to see people not just talk about it but walk in it. John 10:10 (AMPC) says, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and

  • The Freedom of Self-Control

    The Freedom of Self-Control

    We all have hopes and dreams for our lives—whether it’s to buy a house, get in shape physically, have success at our job, grow spiritually or any number of other things. However, if we want to make progress in life, it’s going to require self-control. This may not be a very popular topic, but self-control

  • Finding Freedom From Judgment and Criticism

    Finding Freedom From Judgment and Criticism

    Years ago, I was truly one of the most critical and judgmental people I knew. It was my default setting. If I was at the mall or even at church, I could look at someone and immediately make three or four judgments about their clothes, hair, behavior or family. Or if I walked into someone’s

  • Freedom From Struggle

    Freedom From Struggle

    I’ve been asked, “Joyce, how do you live the Christian life?” My answer surprises a lot of people. I tell them, “You can’t live the Christian life.” I then say, “Only God can live it through you!” One of the greatest lessons I have ever learned is that we can’t change ourselves—it is only by

  • 1 Surefire Way to Love Your Life

    1 Surefire Way to Love Your Life

    If someone asked you if you love your life, what would you say? It seems most people would say they don’t love their life. But as believers in Christ, we can learn to love the life we have. I know what it’s like to have a miserable life, and I also know how wonderful it

  • Make Your Life One You Love

    Make Your Life One You Love

    How do you feel about your life? Would you say you love it? Or do you just get through each day, enduring the things you don’t want to do, putting up with the things that frustrate you, wishing you had someone else’s life? Do you believe you will finally be happy someday—when you have this

  • The Key to Fulfill Your Purpose in Life

    The Key to Fulfill Your Purpose in Life

    God loves you, and He has a good plan for your life. You are a wonderful creation made by Him, and you have a unique purpose to fulfill in this world. Ephesians 2:10 (AMP) says that as Christians, “For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus

  • Experiencing God’s Power in Everyday Life

    Experiencing God’s Power in Everyday Life

    After I became a Christian, there were many years when I had no victory in my everyday life. I was miserable because I still had wounds in my soul from the past that made me insecure, angry, suspicious of others and hard to get along with. Even though I loved God and went to church

  • Step Into Your Destiny

    Step Into Your Destiny

    When it comes to running their race and fulfilling the dreams God has placed in their hearts, I believe a lot of Christians are stuck in the starting blocks. They aren’t sure how a situation is going to turn out or exactly what they should do, so they do nothing. Instead of running the race

  • Living With Purpose and Passion

    Living With Purpose and Passion

    Have you noticed that some Christians are never happy or satisfied? They always have a long face, and they’re constantly talking about their problems and circumstances. They have a lifeless, lukewarm, apathetic and pathetic attitude. The world may have this type of attitude, but we as Christians shouldn’t because the only way we’re going to

  • Loving Like Jesus: Put On Love

    Loving Like Jesus: Put On Love

    “Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony” (Col. 3:14, NLT). Love is the highest level of spiritual warfare. We are to “wear” it like a garment or armor. That’s why it’s so important to learn to love like the Bible says to: on purpose. But there are so

  • Learn to Listen to Holy Spirit’s Nudges

    Learn to Listen to Holy Spirit’s Nudges

    Are you fighting a battle right now? I believe we all have battles to fight at different times in life. But I want to encourage you. Whatever you may be facing today know that, in Christ, you are more than a conqueror! Romans 8:37 (AMPC) says, “Yet amid all these things we are more than

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