
A Prophetic Strategy for Leaping Out of Quarantine

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Jennifer LeClaire

“Pick up your shovel.” I heard the Lord say those four words loud and clear. Almost like a command.

Well, in the natural I do not have a shovel. I’ve never owned a shovel. Not even a garden shovel.

It’s not so much about the shovel as the assignment. The shovel is just a tool, like a sword, to accomplish a purpose. My sword is always at my side, but the Lord is reminding me—and many in the body of Christ—to pick up the shovel.

In this season of quarantine, many are wielding the sword but fewer are grabbing their shovels. Fewer are digging. Saints, it’s time to dig—and dig deep. In order to build something solid for the new future we’re facing and the new era in which we find ourselves, we must pick up our shovels and start digging now.

Digging Starts With Hearing

You can’t dig in the right place until you hear the Holy Spirit’s instructions. We receive an assignment, we get our shovel, and we start digging in the place God sends us. Usually, the digging begins in us. We need to dig a well inside so the Holy Spirit can fill us with the strength to complete the building process. The enemy will stand against your building, so you have to dig deep within first.

Jesus put it this way, “For who among you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost to see whether he has resources to complete it? Otherwise, perhaps, after he has laid the foundation and is not able to complete it, all who see it will begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to complete it'” (Luke 14:28-30).

Count the costs before you dig. Are you willing to change the way you’ve done things in the past in this new era? Are you willing to collaborate with new people? What mindsets do you need to dig out to build successfully?

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