Valerie G. Lowe

  • Is There an Identity Crisis Among Gentile Believers?

    Is There an Identity Crisis Among Gentile Believers?

    As we walked past the Egyptian exhibit in the Museum of Art History in Vienna, I noted the great importance placed upon memorials for the dead. The wealthy took great pains to prepare proper tombs and memorials. Embalming to preserve the body was of prime importance. Why did the Egyptians do this? It was a way…

  • The Proof of Real Character

    The Proof of Real Character

    When it's time to spring clean our homes, we empty out the closets, give away unwanted clothes, and sweep, mop and wash until the house looks and smells new. And so it is with the believer. The Father wants us to live authentic lives as modeled by His Son, and throughout our journey, He will…

  • Keep it  Simple

    Keep it Simple

    Indecision is a miserable state to be in and certainly is not a fruit of the simple life. Simplicity prays, seeks wisdom and decides. It doesn't waffle. It sticks with the decision it made unless there is a very good reason to change it. The apostle James said the double-minded man is unstable in all…

  • Let’s Not Forget to Remember the Holocaust

    Let’s Not Forget to Remember the Holocaust

    During my tour last year of Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum, I was haunted by what I saw. Old movie clips and photos of Jews being herded off to concentration camps tore at my emotions. I could barely contain myself.

  • Pray Without Ceasing

    Pray Without Ceasing

    Are you bound by habits or ungodly attitudes that keep you from God's best? You can be released from those shackles by praying without ceasing and living out the Word every day of your life. Sharyn Culp of His Majesty Ministries, a prayer sanctuary on the Web, intercedes along with other Christians for people around…

  • The No. 1 Hindrance to a Blessed Life

    Every true believer wants God's choice blessings for her life. But when we take the Father for granted and serve Him not on His terms but ours, we forfeit the spiritual riches promised to us in this life. Salvation is free for the asking, but the blood of Jesus doesn't come cheap. We must imitate…

  • What the Church Needs to Know About Israel

    What the Church Needs to Know About Israel

    While flying to Israel for the first time last year, I wondered what the country was really like. My daily dose of cable and network news made me think I was about to encounter some unfriendly people. But nothing could have been further from the truth. What the church needs to know about Israel can't…

  • Coalition Appeals Ruling Denying D.C. Marriage Vote

    Coalition Appeals Ruling Denying D.C. Marriage Vote

    Advocates for traditional marriage in the District of Columbia are appealing a ruling last week that denies voters a referendum on marriage. In the 23-page ruling, D.C. Superior Court Judge Judith N. Macaluso upheld a D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics decision that the Marriage Initiative of 2009 would "authorize discrimination" against homosexuals and thus…

  • When Jews Assimilate Into the Christian Faith

    When Jews Assimilate Into the Christian Faith

    In the early 1970s, a significant number of Jews committed their lives to Yeshua and came to the conviction that they should call themselves Messianic Jews rather than Christians. There were several reasons for this. One was the history of institutional Christianity and its impact on the Jewish people. From a Jewish perspective, Christianity was…

  • How to Get Back Your Joy

    How to Get Back Your Joy

    Who better to tell others how to turn their pain into purpose than a divorced woman and single mom who has learned to trust God no matter the situation? Award-winning gospel artist Yolanda Adams says we don't have to succumb to sadness, bitterness and other joy killers when we experience difficulties in life. She says…

  • Martin Luther King: A Supporter of Israel

    He would have been 81 years old today had he not been gunned down on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. But Martin Luther King Jr.'s message of nonviolence, justice and love will never die. It can be heard from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where he gave his famous "I…

  • Waiting for the Fulfillment of the Promise

    When someone tells us "thus saith the Lord," many of us hold on to every prophetic word, waiting for the fulfillment of the promise. But we must not wait passively; God wants to reveal Himself to us now in a fresh way. We want results, but He wants relationship. Let's ask the Holy Spirit to…

  • When Therapy Comes to Church

    When Therapy Comes to Church

    Chené Tucker is Spirit-filled and a licensed therapist who says there is a place for therapy in the body of Christ. For decades, Chené, a full-time associate professor of clinical social work at Oral Roberts University, has helped Christians and unbelievers alike find freedom from emotional struggles and other problems. She knows the tension that…

  • In Search of the Biblical Emmaus

    In Search of the Biblical Emmaus

    We may never know with certainty which of the four sites associated with "Emmaus" is the true location. Which one is the actual location where Jesus appeared to His disciples following His resurrection? The story in Luke 24 recounts how two of Jesus' disciples met Him while traveling. They were heading west from Jerusalem, to…

  • A New Year’s Prayer for Zion and the Nations

    A New Year’s Prayer for Zion and the Nations

    Prayer is one of the most valuable weapons of spiritual warfare. When we slip to our knees to communicate with God, He spiritually transforms our hearts and we send out prayers that can effect change in Israel and other hot spots around the world. The Bible says we "ought to always pray" and never let…

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