Valerie G. Lowe

  • Fit for the Right Reasons

    Fit for the Right Reasons

    God created us to be purpose driven. In other words, our natural inclination is to operate with an intent—a motive, so to speak.The Bible gives us a number of examples of men and women who did extraordinary things (whether for good or evil) in order to fulfill a purpose or reach a goal. Jacob, for…

  • Lord, What’s My Purpose?

    Many Christians believe that if they are not at the forefront of ministry, preaching, teaching or standing before a crowd leading worship, their gifts are somehow less important. How untrue. Your contribution to the body of Christ is not based on your status in church. God has uniquely designed each of us to work for…

  • Detoxing Made Easy

    Detoxing Made Easy

    Linda Page, author of the book Detoxification, explains why there is a need to help your body detoxify itself: "The environmental toxins of modern-day life that we're exposed to—the pollutants, chemicals, other synthetic substances—are more than the average body can handle. The body doesn't know what to do with foreign substances, so it will store…

  • Detoxing Made Easy

    Detoxing Made Easy

    Linda Page, author of the book Detoxification, explains why there is a need to help your body detoxify itself: "The environmental toxins of modern-day life that we're exposed to—the pollutants, chemicals, other synthetic substances—are more than the average body can handle. The body doesn't know what to do with foreign substances, so it will store…

  • Iranian Pastors Risk Lives for Training

    Iranian Pastors Risk Lives for Training

    If the Iranian government knew Christians were learning how to grow a church in the middle of their Muslim nation, the converts could lose their freedom—or worse, their lives.But that hasn’t stopped pastors with the underground church in Iran from secretly attending classroom sessions led by Dave Anderson, a founder and longtime trainer for EQUIP,…

  • Iranian Pastors Risk Lives for Training

    Iranian Pastors Risk Lives for Training

    If the Iranian government knew Christians were learning how to grow a church in the middle of their Muslim nation, the converts could lose their freedom—or worse, their lives.But that hasn’t stopped pastors with the underground church in Iran from secretly attending classroom sessions led by Dave Anderson, a founder and longtime trainer for EQUIP,…

  • The Sea of Galilee

    The Sea of Galilee is one of the most popular tourists spots in Israel. Yeshua stood on its shores—and sometimes on the sea—and performed many miracles. He saw Peter and Andrew casting their net into the water and said, "'Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men'" (Matt. 4:19, NKJV); He walked on…

  • Organizations Offer Help and Hope in the Holy Land

    Organizations Offer Help and Hope in the Holy Land

    It's easy for a Hollywood celebrity to stand next to a starving child, stare into a video camera and remind us that children are our future. It's much more difficult to nourish that child—on a regular basis—with enough food, clothing and education to help him grow up and truly shape the future.The same principle applies…

  • Longing for Intimacy?

    Nothing can replace the longing we have for intimacy with Christ. And the moment we attempt to substitute our relationship with religion, we feel distant from Him. Don't allow anything to keep you from knowing Jesus. Pray and read your Bible, but seek to go deeper than that. Ask Him to affirm in your heart…

  • Being Good Enough

    When God shows up center stage in our lives and directs us through the difficult times, we mistakenly think that being a "good" Christian is what prompts Him to act. That's not true. Our righteousness is like stain-covered rags. His unconditional love and our acceptance of His Son compel the Father to take up permanent…

  • Every Christian Has an Anointing

    Every Christian Has an Anointing

    As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit-just as it has taught you, remain in him. -1 John 2:27The anointing stems partly from the natural-the…

  • No More Office Nightmares

    No More Office Nightmares

    Many believers I know desire to work for a ministry or Christian company someday. Their goal is to work in an environment with praise music playing, co-workers praying and Scripture verses beautifully calligraphied on wall plaques. They imagine such a workplace as holy, peaceful and devoid of that common problem: difficult co-workers.I wish this were…

  • Fit for the Right Reasons

    Fit for the Right Reasons

    God created us to be purpose driven. In other words, our natural inclination is to operate with an intent—a motive, so to speak.The Bible gives us a number of examples of men and women who did extraordinary things (whether for good or evil) in order to fulfill a purpose or reach a goal. Jacob, for…

  • Need Prayer? Click Here

    Need Prayer? Click Here

    Are you bound by bad habits or ungodly attitudes that keep you from God's best? You can be released from the shackles by praying and living out the Word every day of your life. Sharyn Culp of His Majesty Ministries, a prayer sanctuary on the Web, intercedes along with other Christians for people around the…

  • Need Prayer for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?

    Need Prayer for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?

    But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8, NKJV). The baptism in the Holy Spirit is for every single believer who names the name of Christ.…

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