Valerie G. Lowe

  • When Abraham’s ‘Other’ Descendants Come to Christ

    When Abraham’s ‘Other’ Descendants Come to Christ

    Although it takes a back seat to rumors of war, a tsunami of faith is quietly overtaking the Muslim world. Islamic adherents are laying aside their allegiance to Muhammad to follow Jesus Christ, despite the social ostracism, persecution and possible martyrdom that converts to Christianity face. Propelled by dreams, visions and miracles, this wave of…

  • Support Israel in Her Time of Need

    Support Israel in Her Time of Need

    In Genesis 12:3, God makes a promise to Abraham: '"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.'" In my own life I have seen proof of this promise; when I have blessed Israel and the Jewish people, God has…

  • Tamara Osteen Graff on Women in Ministry

    Ministry is in her blood—literally. Her late father John Osteen started Lakewood Church 51 years ago in a converted feed store. Her brother Joel became the pastor of the Houston church in 1999 when their father unexpectedly passed away. But Tamara Osteen Graff is leaving her mark on the world in her own unique way.…

  • Calling Forth the Deborahs

    For more than 18 years Rebecca Greenwood has led people to Christ by preaching about spiritual warfare, deliverance, intercession and more. Her itinerant ministry has opened doors for her to minister in Egypt, Nepal, Italy, Turkey, Ukraine and Russia. Rebecca says God is opening doors for women in the body of Christ to do His…

  • Are You a Witness?

    Growing up in a staunch Greek Orthodox family in Sydney, Australia, Christine Caine was unfamiliar with the Holy Spirit's work in the life of the believer. But when she joined Hillsong Church at age 21, the Word came alive in her life and today she's preaching the gospel around the world. Are you using your…

  • Intercede for the Nations in 2010

    Intercede for the Nations in 2010

    Intercessory prayer is one of the most valuable weapons of spiritual warfare. When we slip to our knees to communicate with God, He spiritually transforms our hearts and we send out prayers that effect change in the world in ways we could never imagine. The Bible says we "ought to always pray" and never let…

  • Did Jesus Celebrate Hanukkah?

    Millions of people around the world will celebrate the birth of Christ on December 25. They will exchange gifts, fellowship together over dinner and keep other traditions passed down to them through the years. According to theologians, Jesus did not celebrate His own birthday. But did He participate in the Jewish holiday called Hanukkah? To…

  • House of Representatives Passes Sanctions on Iran

    House of Representatives Passes Sanctions on Iran

    In an overwhelming show of support, the House of Representatives passed the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act of 2009 on Tuesday. The bill, which passed 412-12, requires "the president to report to Congress three months after the law's enactment—and every six months thereafter—anyone who has provided Iran refined oil, helped to import oil or helped…

  • God is in Control

    Have you ever desperately wanted something from God, even fasted and prayed for it, and not received it? Maybe you were hoping He would give you a new car or a better paying job, but after years of bargaining, you discover that "naming it and claiming it" doesn't work the way you had hoped. During…

  • Don’t Turn Jesus Away

    Don’t Turn Jesus Away

    I was in New York City years ago shopping with my sister, when a young man stopped me on the sidewalk and asked me for a handout. He was wearing designer everything, so I didn’t give him a dime. In this case, it was easy for me to ignore a poor person. After all, this

  • Yeshua: A Kingly Servant

    Yeshua: A Kingly Servant

    One of the characteristics of prophetic revelation is that it is sometimes allegorical or symbolic, and it is fully understood only after future events have taken place. From the Old Testament perspective, it was not altogether clear what the Messiah would look like. The prophets foretold the coming of both a kingly Messiah and a…

  • How to Celebrate Hanukkah

    Hanukkah or Festival of Lights is a Jewish holiday marked by eight days of celebration. Jews around the world commemorate the rededication of the Second Period Temple by lighting candles, praying and giving gifts. Hanukkah is observed once a year in December and begins today at sundown, according to the Hebrew calendar. To learn more…

  • Don’t Turn Jesus Away

    Don’t Turn Jesus Away

    I was in New York City years ago shopping with my sister, when a young man stopped me on the sidewalk and asked me for a handout. He was wearing designer everything, so I didn't give him a dime. In this case, it was easy for me to ignore a poor person. After all, this…

  • The Bible’s Archeological Evidence

    Atheists are not the only doubters to scoff at the existence of the Bible. For centuries people have rejected the truth of the Word and its ability to set men free. But like their predecessors, they have failed to disprove the authenticity of its existence. Scriputre says Yeshua was "made flesh and dwelt among us."…

  • Ahmadinejad: ‘Israel Can’t Do a Thing to Stop Iran’

    Ahmadinejad: ‘Israel Can’t Do a Thing to Stop Iran’

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday Israel and its Western backers "cannot do a ... thing to stop Iran's nuclear work."In a televised speech at an Iranian uranium conversion plant in Isfahan, Ahmadinejad rejected the "illegal" censure of his nation by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). He said the agency was "under pressure from…

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