Valerie G. Lowe

  • When God Answers With Fire

    Author June Volk grew up in a Jewish family in New York City and married a well-off Orthodox Jew. But when the family denounced her brother-in-law for proclaiming, "Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah," she too wanted to know Christ. When she called out to the Father, she said He revealed Himself…

  • The God Who Answers by Fire

    Author June Volk grew up in a Jewish family in New York City and married a well-off Orthodox Jew. But when the family denounced her brother-in-law for proclaiming, "Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah," she too wanted to know Christ. When she called out to the Father, she said He revealed Himself…

  • Muslim Youth Protest at Jerusalem’s Holy Sites

    Muslim Youth Protest at Jerusalem’s Holy Sites

    Muslim youth began rioting last week at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem following Israel's decision to include the Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb in its list of national heritage sites. Israeli police said protesters worshipping at the al-Aqsa Mosque emerged from prayer Friday throwing rocks at police and at Jews praying at the…

  • Son of Hamas Leader Shares Faith Journey

    Son of Hamas Leader Shares Faith Journey

    The son of a Hamas founder whose Christian conversion made international headlines released the complete story of his faith journey Tuesday in a memoir brimming with spy-novel-like drama.Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef details a six-year-long conversion process that originated with a Bible study in Jerusalem and resulted in his departure from the Islamic…

  • A Heart for God

    According to the American Heart Association, small changes in our diet can lead to a longer, healthier life. And so it is with the spiritual heart. Letting the Holy Spirit daily search us and transform us into the image of God, can lead to a fulfilling relationship with Christ both in this life and the…

  • A Courageous Confrontation

    Queen Esther saved her people from destruction when she petitioned King Xerxes to spare her life and the lives of the Jewish people. Esther 9:24 says Haman had "plotted against the Jews to annihilate them, and had cast Pur (that is, the lot), to consume them" (NKJV). But God gave His chosen people victory over…

  • Grace So Amazing

    Denise Matthews has battled kidney failure, hypertension and other illnesses, and says her current health issues are the result of the sinful life she lived as a young adult. But today Denise, the former girlfriend of singer Prince, has a message for the body of Christ: Sin produces physical death and spiritual separation from Jesus,…

  • The Prophetic Destiny of Ethiopian Jews

    More than 20 years ago, many Ethiopians left their poverty-stricken country as the result of a secret rescue mission. Today thousands call Israel home, drawn to the land by their Jewish heritage. Some trace their lineage to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, but regardless of their roots, many call Yeshua Lord. This is…

  • Real Intimacy

    Do you want God to flood your heart with His love and draw you closer to Him? Nothing can replace the longing we have for authentic fellowship with the Father. And the moment we attempt to substitute His presence with religion, we feel distant from Him. Don't allow anything to keep you from intimacy with…

  • What Have You Been Called to Do?

    Many Christians believe that if they are not at the forefront of ministry, preaching, teaching or standing before a crowd leading worship, their gifts are somehow less important. How untrue. Your contribution to the body of Christ is not based on your status in church. God has uniquely designed each of us to work for…

  • How a Drug Addict Found Faith in Yeshua

    Michael L. Brown grew up in a typical conservative Jewish home in the suburbs of Long Island, N.Y. He attended Hebrew school and had been introduced to the Scriptures as a child. But during his teen years, he got caught up in the 1960s counterculture. He played drums in a rock band and started using

  • Israeli Company Discovers Oil Near Tel Aviv

    Israeli Company Discovers Oil Near Tel Aviv

    An oil exploration company has announced that it has found "significant quantities" of oil in Israel, buoying hopes that natural resources are prevalent in the Holy Land and could enable Israel to become energy independent.An Israeli company, the Givot Olam Oil Exploration Limited Partnership, announced in December that it found oil at its drill site…

  • Grace and Mercy

    Grace is when we get what we don't deserve.Mercy is when we don't get what we do deserve.Mercy manifests when we don't get justice for our sin. Grace, on the other hand, is imparted power we don't deserve that frees us from the tyranny of sin.

  • How a Sunni Muslim Came to Faith in Jesus

    When Faisal Malick heard a Christian business man say "Jesus is the Son of God," he got angry and set out to convince the man Islam is the only way. But for Malick, a devout Sunni Muslim, his life was about to change forever. He accepted Messiah into his heart and today he shares his…

  • Israel Needs Your Help

    Israel Needs Your Help

    In Genesis 12:3, God makes a promise to Abraham: '"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.'" In my own life I have seen proof of this promise; when I have blessed Israel and the Jewish people, God has…

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