Valerie G. Lowe

  • Iverna Tompkins on Women in Ministry

    Iverna Tompkins has been preaching and teaching the gospel for more than 45 years, and knows first-hand the challenges women face in five-fold ministry. She has had to overcome many gender barriers to fulfill her purpose, but she says women are called to help lead the church in the 21st century. Iverna talked with Spirit-Led…

  • When We See Ourselves in Others

    When We See Ourselves in Others

    So often I stand in judgment of others, and soon discover I am guilty of the very same things I see critically in others. You've heard the old expression, "When you point your finger at someone, four fingers are pointing back at you." Isaiah 58 speaks of God's chosen fast, and one of the things…

  • Passover: Covered by the Blood

    Passover is one of the most important holidays on the Jewish calendar because it marks a significant event in history. God protected His people from the death angel during the last of the 10 plagues. Exodus 12:3 says, "Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when…

  • Attracted to Unhealthy Relationships?

    Have you ever been abused by a loved one? Danette Crawford can relate to your pain. She says she grew up in a home where there was physical and verbal abuse. And when she later married the man she thought was an answer to prayer, she discovered he was verbally abusive and addicted to pornography.…

  • Sow Kindness in Your Marriage

    Sow Kindness in Your Marriage

    The first command God gave mankind was to be fruitful and multiply (see Gen. 1:28). But fruitfulness involves more than merely growing physical fruit. As a Christian, the Spirit of God has already been planted within you, now it's your job to cultivate the seed of His nature. And it is not going to be…

  • Sow Kindness in Your Marriage

    Sow Kindness in Your Marriage

    An offer to help, a smile and a kind word will reduce the heat of everyday responsibilities The first command God gave mankind was to be fruitful and multiply (see Gen. 1:28). But fruitfulness involves more than merely growing physical fruit. As a Christian, the Spirit of God has already been planted within you, now

  • Using Your Gifts to Serve Yeshua

    He was like anyone else looking to express himself through the things he loved such as, graphic design and art. Yet Avner Valer lived a life of "darkness" and sin. But when he came to faith in Yeshua, he started using his gifts and skills to further the gospel in Israel. Scripture says every "good…

  • Historic Synagogue Depicts Biblical Sites

    Historic Synagogue Depicts Biblical Sites

    The Hurva Synagogue reopened Monday to the public after an extensive four-year construction project in the Old City of Jerusalem. Built in 1864 atop ruins of an earlier synagogue, the Hurva Synagogue was the largest and considered the most important synagogue in Jerusalem. It was destroyed in 1948 during Israel's War of Independence. After the…

  • Christians Tell White House to End Israeli Crisis

    Christians Tell White House to End Israeli Crisis

    Christian supporters of Israel flooded the White House this week with e-mails urging the Obama administration to end what some have called a crisis in U.S.-Israel relations.Some 20,000 e-mails calling on the administration to "end this unnecessary crisis, return to a more productive approach, and stand with our ally Israel" had been sent in the…

  • The Kingdom Is Within

    The Kingdom Is Within

    Jesus made a remarkable statement to His disciples: "Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Luke 11:2, NKJV). This was a futuristic prayer for the disciples, but not for Jesus. And it's not futuristic for us either because it applies right now. Allow me to explain.

  • Need Prayer for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?

    Need Prayer for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?

    "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8, NKJV). The baptism in the Holy Spirit is for every single believer who names the name of Christ.…

  • Israel’s Compassionate Response

    It has been two months to the day that a magnitude 7.0 earthquake rocked Haiti, leaving scores of people dead and thousands wounded. Within days of the quake, an Israeli medical team of doctors, nurses and other personnel arrived in the region and erected a state-of-the-art field hospital that the media called the "Rolls Royce"…

  • Called Out to Work for Messiah

    Called Out to Work for Messiah

    Moishe Rosen spends a lot of time resting now as he copes with the effects of prostate disease that metastasized into bone cancer. Last fall, he nearly died after surgery for an intestinal blockage.Although outlasting the doctor's prediction in January 2008 that he wouldn't live past Thanksgiving, soon after that surgery Rosen considered hospice care.…

  • Help the Jewish People of Israel

    Help the Jewish People of Israel

    In Genesis 12:3, God makes a promise to Abraham: '"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.'"In my own life I have seen proof of this promise; when I have blessed Israel and the Jewish people, God has showered…

  • Openness to the Spirit

    Openness to the Spirit

    Some of us find it easier to be open to the Word than to the Holy Spirit. Being open to the Word directly is to be open to the Spirit indirectly—as the Spirit applies that Word. But being open to the Spirit is when He manifests Himself in an immediate and direct manner.

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