Valerie G. Lowe

  • The Future of the Messianic Movement

    The Future of the Messianic Movement

    The Messianic Jewish movement is unified by one distinguishing commitment, that Jews who come to faith in Jesus the Messiah are called to live and identify as Jews. Our very existence is a challenge to the church concerning its own self-identity as one organically connected to the Jewish people from whom it was born.

  • Sincere Love

    When we share the message of Jesus with unbelievers, we are fulfilling the Lord's command to Peter to "feed My sheep" (John 21:17). But to genuinely win others to Christ, we must somehow drive home the most basic message of the gospel: God loves them. It's simple, but when sinners experience agape love, their hearts…

  • Roll Out the Red Carpet for Mom

    Roll Out the Red Carpet for Mom

    If you're a mom, by the time you get your children ready for school, go to work, then come home and cook and clean, you're probably too drained to pay attention to your own needs. But single mom Danette Crawford is helping mothers of all types feel appreciated, whether they're married, single, separated or pulling…

  • Dance Unto the Lord

    It's true that when I went to Israel last year, I "walked where Jesus walked," sailed the Sea of Galilee and ate wonderful cuisine. But more importantly, I worshiped Jesus in song and dance. The music was unfamiliar to me, but the Holy Spirit's presence was evident in the praises I offered up to God.…

  • Messianic Leaders Call on U.S. to Retract Israeli Demands

    The Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA) has launched an aggressive campaign to protest U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's condemnation of Israel last month for announcing plans to build 1,600 apartments on disputed land in east Jerusalem. MJAA criticized Clinton for giving a "43-minute tongue-lashing to Israeli Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu," and slammed the…

  • Digging for Oil

    Digging for Oil

    A Christian-owned company exploring for oil in Israel plans to expand its drilling operations through a partnership that includes the purchase of a 2,000-horsepower drilling rig.In a deal announced this week, Zion Oil & Gas will form a subsidiary tentatively called Zion Drilling Inc. through a partnership with Aladdin Middle East Ltd. (AME). The arrangement…

  • Learn About Israel With Jack Hayford

    Learn About Israel With Jack Hayford

    In an effort to help Christians understand the spiritual, historical and prophetic significance of Israel, pastor Jack Hayford will teach a biblical online course about the Holy Land. Israel: His Land, His Word is a six-week course that will run May 3 - June 13 at Hayford says he wants to help others recognize…

  • Finding Hope in Depression

    Finding Hope in Depression

    On a bone-cold night in January 2000, Kristen Anderson made the impulsive decision to take her own life. She walked to the railroad tracks not far from her Chicago home, lay down on the ground, and 33 freight cars roared over her body at 55 miles per hour. The botched suicide attempt left Kristen in…

  • An Encounter With Jews Who Believe in Jesus

    Bob Segal learned early on from his father what it meant to be Jewish. But the elder Segal believed Judaism was a heritage, not a religion, and he passed down his beliefs to his son. Bob was taught that there is no God and that the Bible, even the Old Testament, is a bunch of…

  • A Message of Hope From Joel Osteen

    Some say Joel Osteen's sermons are too soft and that he doesn't address the reality of sin. But Osteen, pastor of the more than 30,000-member Lakewood Church in Houston, says he will remain true to the message of hope given to him for this generation. He is taking his ministry to the streets with upcoming…

  • The Future of the Church

    Daniel Juster is a Jewish believer in Jesus and the founder of Tikkun Ministries International. He was the senior pastor of Beth Messiah Congregation in Gaithersburg, Md., for 22 years but now lives in Israel. The author of several books including Growing to Maturity, Jewish Roots, The Dynamics of Spiritual Deception and Jewishness and Jesus,…

  • Paying the Price in Jericho

    Paying the Price in Jericho

    When American missionary Karen Dunham gave her life to Christ years ago, she had no thoughts of traveling to Jericho, West Bank, to minister. Not even after God told her several years later to go to Jerusalem to pray at the Western Wall did she consider such an undertaking. Like most Americans, she saw the…

  • Jews in Israel Need Your Help

    Jews in Israel Need Your Help

    In Genesis 12:3, God makes a promise to Abraham: '"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.'"In my own life I have seen proof of this promise; when I have blessed Israel and the Jewish people, God has showered…

  • That’s Not Your Purpose

    That’s Not Your Purpose

    Do you know people who are zealous for God and want to serve Him in every area of ministry possible? No doubt the Father appreciates our commitment to His work, but until we tap into our own purpose, we will be spiritually discontent. We all have a unique job to do for the kingdom, so…

  • Transformed by His Power

    Do you get upset when it seems you're in a trial all by yourself with no one to see you through it? You probably think your husband doesn't care or that your friends are insensitive to your plight. But the truth is, God is the only one who can deliver you in tough times. Like…

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