Valerie G. Lowe

  • California Church Builds Interactive Holocaust Memorial

    Vowing that it will "never forget," a California church is today unveiling an interactive exhibit honoring the 6 million Jews who died during the Holocaust. Built by Cornerstone Church in Fresno, the Holocaust Experience will guide visitors through scenes of 12 major events that took place between 1933 and 1945. The scenes span from the rise…

  • Sight-Seeing In Caesarea

    My trip to Israel took me to many interesting and fascinating places. On the second day of my travels, I toured Caesarea, an ancient port built by King Herod. There I saw ruins of an ancient vomitoruim (my tour guide, Tison Ben David, explains the meaning of the name in the clip) and a reconstructed…

  • Israel Mourns Fallen Soldiers, Celebrates 61 Years of Independence

    Israel Mourns Fallen Soldiers, Celebrates 61 Years of Independence

    Israelis shifted gears on Tuesday evening from mourning its fallen soldiers to celebrating the nation's 61st Independence Day. Opening the official ceremony at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin said, "We have come once again to this hill—on one side the grave of the prophet [of Zionism], on the other the graves of…

  • Face Your Fears

    Face Your Fears

    What do you do when you’re struggling with feelings of fear? Do you face your emotions and come up with ways to combat the problem? Or do you concede defeat and allow the assaults to continually rob you of your joy? Fear is a powerful emotion and when left unchecked, it metastasizes like a cancer

  • Face Your Fears

    Face Your Fears

    What do you do when you're struggling with feelings of fear? Do you face your emotions and come up with ways to combat the problem? Or do you concede defeat and allow the assaults to continually rob you of your joy? Fear is a powerful emotion and when left unchecked, it metastasizes like a cancer…

  • Stressed to the Breaking Point

    The church was electric with the power and presence of the Lord. Revival gatherings were taking place morning, noon and night. It was exhilarating as well as physically exhausting going at such a pace. But God was obviously meeting deep needs among the children as well as the adults. Visitors were coming and going, and…

  • Yearning for More of God

    The path to the higher realms of the Spirit has always led through the barren wilderness. It is there we realize the desperate hunger and thirst within that only God can satisfy.

  • Remember the Holocaust

    In late March I took the trip of a lifetime. I spent seven days in Israel touring historic sites and ancient ruins that date back more than 2,000 years. I discovered the roots of my Christian faith and watched the Bible come to life. My schedule was packed with many interesting places to see, including…

  • Rewards for Obeying God

    Countless times God's Word assures us of His desire to bless our lives if we commit our steps to Him. We're also told that willful disobedience will eventually result in unwelcome consequences. Often we can determine the good or bad outcome of life's situations by the degree to which we willingly walk in obedience to…

  • Be Still

    Be Still

    If you're anything like I am, you live a very busy life. Actually, you don't live just a busy life, you live a hectic life! The moment my feet hit the ground, I dash here and there filling my day with everything imaginable--work, church, meetings, volunteering, witnessing, shopping. The list goes on. Oftentimes I feel…

  • When God Disappoints Us

    When God Disappoints Us

    Some of the greatest challenges to our faith are those moments when we must endure the cold blight of a disappointment. The greater the anticipation, the greater the disappointment when we fail to receive what we have anticipated. There is no shield that can keep away the days that come to teach our hearts submission…

  • Seven Reasons to Support Israel

    Everything Christians do should be based upon the biblical text. The following are seven biblical reasons why Christians everywhere should stand up and speak up for Israel. This is taken from the Leadership manual for Christians United for Israel. It's so good, we got permission to share it here. 1. God has promised to bless…

  • A Pilgrim’s Progress

    {flv width=”280″ height=”220″}ValerieLowe-StandingWithIsraelIntro{/flv} My name is Valerie G. Lowe and I’m the editor of the new Standing with Israel e-newsletter. One of the most rewarding and exciting places I’ve ever traveled to is Israel. I’d always wanted to take a pilgrimage to the Holy Land but didn’t think the opportunity would ever present itself. After years

  • CUFI Stands with Israel on Capitol Hill

    CUFI Stands with Israel on Capitol Hill

    Pastor John Hagee, founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), presented a petition expressing solidarity with the State of Israel to members of Congress in late March.  The petition is signed by more than 100,000 American Christians. The Israel Pledge says:"We believe that the Jewish people have a right to live in their…

  • Say It, Sister!

      {flv width=”275″ height=”210″}JoyceM-Battlefieldof theMind{/flv} To purchase a DVD of Joyce’s entire message, click here What’s Been On Your Mind Lately? Have you ever heard the saying “You are what you think?” It’s true. Your thoughts carry a lot of weight and oftentimes dictate your actions. When you don’t guard your mind from negative influences,

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