Valerie G. Lowe

  • Empowered for Purpose

    Empowered for Purpose

    Welcome to the new SpiritLed Woman eMagazine! My name is Valerie G. Lowe and I'm the editor. I'm excited about launching this weekly online magazine because I know there are women who want to connect with other women who love God and want to do His will. It is my prayer that you receive an…

  • Devotional: Fueling the Fire

    week 1 Deborah: Called to Battle During one period of Israel's history, the Spirit of the Lord raised up judges to lead the people of God. Deborah, the prophetess, was the only woman who served in this role. She was a wife, a prophet and a judge. Her life of faithfulness was highly regarded, and…

  • Happy Labor Day!

    Happy Labor Day!

    One of the greatest joys a woman will ever experience in life is giving birth. Though having a baby is oftentimes uncomfortable, it’s a miracle we women treasure for a lifetime. When a woman discovers she is expecting, thoughts begin to race through her mind. Is it a girl or boy? Is my child healthy?

  • Day 5: Never Forget

    What a sobering experience. My tour today began with a visit to Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum located on the Mount of Remembrance in Jerusalem. After reflecting on what I saw, it’s clear no other place so far has impacted me like this one. First we went into the Valley of Communities where we watched…

  • Day 4: Pray for Peace

    I'm so sleepy my eyes are burning, but I must tell you about the sites I saw today. We started the tour with a scenic drive through the valley of Jordan where I could see in the distance the kingdom of Jordan. The mountain curved around and around until we were headed in the direction…

  • Day 3: Be Still

    Shalom. Today I sailed the Sea of Galilee! Every time I think my visit to Israel can't get any better, something or someone will change my mind. That's what happened to me today when I had an encounter with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee. After eating breakfast this morning we all boarded a bus headed…

  • Day 2: Miracles, Anyone?

    Shalom! This morning my tour group and I checked out of the Dan Panorama Hotel in Tel Aviv (what a nice place) and boarded the bus for Caesarea National Park. King Herod the Great (not the Herod who sought to have baby Jesus killed,) built Caesarea. When I got off the bus, my mind went back in time to thousands of…

  • Watch Your Posture

    Watch Your Posture

    When my daughter was growing up, I would talk to her about prayer all the time. I would tell her that praying to God was like talking to Mommy and she could do it anytime, day and night, at the day care or in church. It didn't matter. It wasn't long before Faith would slip…

  • Dance With the One Who Brought You

    Dance With the One Who Brought You

    Several years ago I listened to a preacher share a funny story about his adventures at his high school prom. He said he had purchased a beautiful corsage for his date, rented a tuxedo for the special event and got all dressed up. But no sooner had he and his lovely escort arrived at the

  • Enough is Enough

    Enough is Enough

    Last night I read the book of Job and was taken aback by the turn of events that left a man devastated by unthinkable tragedy. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Most of us can’t relate to the depth of Job’s suffering. He had 11,000 livestock, enough hired help to man a mansion

  • The Power of One

    The Power of One

    Last Sunday I witnessed a powerful move of God. While leading worship, one of the singers got violently ill and could barely stand because sharp pains were piercing her stomach. A deacon whipped out his cell phone to call for an ambulance, but the preacher stopped the service and asked, “Before you call 911, may

  • Showing Love and Unity

    Showing Love and Unity

    Pastor Ron Hill of Love & Unity Church of God in Christ marked Black History Month by recognizing the contributions of white abolitionists during a special service on Sunday. February 17, 2009 -- While many African-American churches across the country observe Black History Month with special skits and presentations, a black Pentecostal pastor has flipped the script to recognize the…

  • The Man In My Life

    The Man In My Life

    I don’t know about you, but I look forward to Valentine’s Day. No, I don’t have a husband to lavish me with roses and candy or a doting boyfriend anxious to ask for my hand in marriage. (I do have my eye on a certain guy, but he doesn’t even know I exist!) The day

  • Family on the Move

    Family on the Move

    Ron and Katie Luce have inspired thousands of teens to serve God. They began by practicing at home with their own kids what they preach in public. If anyone knows something about teenagers, it’s Ron and Katie Luce. They founded Teen Mania Ministries in 1986 with a mission to “provoke a young generation to passionately

  • Let’s Leave the Building

    Last Saturday morning I did something I haven't done in awhile. I teamed up with the women in my church and went door-to-door witnessing to residents about the love of Jesus. My pastor is determined that in 2009, our church becomes a hub for evangelism and outreach. He feels the best way to be a…

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