
  • How Social Media Can Start a Revolution

    How Social Media Can Start a Revolution

    In the summer of 2009, thousands of Iranians took to the streets to protest what was almost certainly a rigged presidential election. The protests were quickly dubbed the “Twitter Revolution” because protesters were able to use the well-known social network to communicate with one another and with the world. Time magazine said of Twitter at

  • Bishop Harry Jackson Offers 7 Keys to Racial Reconciliation

    Bishop Harry Jackson Offers 7 Keys to Racial Reconciliation

    The recent national crisis and racial tension have underscored that America seems more divided than ever. On the one hand, President Obama believes that our differences are just being exposed. On the other hand a few of us feel that the president and Attorney General Holder exacerbated the race problem. In some ways, both views

  • Marriage: The Real Fight Has Just Begun

    Marriage: The Real Fight Has Just Begun

    Marriage is very important to me. Personally, it is a covenant that I made with my wife of over 35 years. It is a sacred trust between the two of us, but it is more than that. Marriage plays a significant part in the health of our society and the future of our children. This

  • Harry R. Jackson: I Used To Be Black

    Harry R. Jackson: I Used To Be Black

    Occasionally, I like to shock a congregation by joking, “I used to be black; then I became a Christian.” What I mean, of course, is not that anything about my race or ethnicity has changed, nor that I feel anything but joy in who God has made me. But it is my faith—not my race—that

  • Minimum Wage Hurts Unskilled Black Workers

    Minimum Wage Hurts Unskilled Black Workers

    In his most recent State of the Union address, President Obama made this bold declaration: “Let’s declare that in the wealthiest nation on earth, no one who works full-time should have to live in poverty, and raise the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour. This single step would raise the incomes of millions of

  • Is the NRA the Best Advocate for Black Family Safety?

    Is the NRA the Best Advocate for Black Family Safety?

    Last year, the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. put the issue of gun control back at the forefront of public debate in America. Predictably, most celebrities voiced their support of stricter gun control laws as a response to the tragedy. Samuel L. Jackson surprised many when he articulated a different

  • Gay Marriage Advocates Lose by Winning

    Gay Marriage Advocates Lose by Winning

    Homosexual activists achieved historic gains in the November 2012 election in the states of Washington, Maine and Maryland. These three notoriously liberal states passed laws extending marriage benefits to homosexual relationships by four to six percentage points. But will these legal victories ultimately deny them the sweeping Supreme Court decision they long for? Judge Robert Jones of a

  • Marriage: A Supreme Test of Rights

    Marriage: A Supreme Test of Rights

    From the very beginning, homosexual “marriage” activists have sought to hijack not only the moral authority of the Civil Rights Movement, but also the legal arguments which liberated minorities from centuries of legalized oppression and discrimination. After decades of aggressive activism, the common sense understanding of marriage has become almost hopelessly mired in incomprehensible legal terminology. It becomes

  • Food Stamps: Policy or Political Payoff?

    Food Stamps: Policy or Political Payoff?

    In an early strategic preparation for the struggle to avoid the fiscal cliff, the president and several Democratic luminaries decided to redefine as essential several entitlement programs. In an old fashioned way of manipulating the public, they began to redefine commonly held beliefs. In the interest of time, we will share only one example. Last

  • Boy Scout Leadership Still Needs Reassurances

    Boy Scout Leadership Still Needs Reassurances

    I was 13 years old and the beautiful Pamela Rivers (not her real name) was the apple of my eye. The Boy Scout meetings were just a block away from her house on Pine Valley Avenue in Cincinnati, Ohio. The way I thought of myself and my relationship with this African-American beauty was shaped by

  • Why MLK Would Applaud 2012 Voters

    Why MLK Would Applaud 2012 Voters

    “We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me

  • Why Obama Is Unpopular With Jews in Israel

    Why Obama Is Unpopular With Jews in Israel

    While most Americans were focusing on the domestic implications of President Barack Obama’s re-election, the effects of his victory are being felt around the globe in different ways. Furthermore, Candy Crowley of CNN and most others observing the presidential foreign policy debate in October thought the president had everything under control with Middle Eastern dissidents.

  • Will President Obama Truly Bring the Nation Together?

    Will President Obama Truly Bring the Nation Together?

    This election cycle has been one of the most interesting in modern history. Most observers agree that the nation was split down the middle on their opinions of the character and vision of the candidates. Without assigning blame, I would like to ask the question: How is it that a campaign of hope and change

  • Follow the Money

    Follow the Money

    Our country made history in 2008 when we elected our first black president. The 2012 election is already historic as well, but for a much less promising reason. This year marks the first time in history that a major political party has put the redefinition of marriage into its national platform. The obvious question for

  • Same-Sex Marriage: A Child’s View

    Same-Sex Marriage: A Child’s View

    Kids need both a mom and a dad! The current controversy concerning marriage may be one of the biggest distractions in this election season. It is often categorized as a divisive “social issue.” Many Americans realize that the definition of marriage, the controversy about abortion and America’s support of Israel are huge spiritual and moral

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