Steve Strang

  • Make a Difference for Israel

    You can show your support for Israel by attending theInsrael/Washington Summit July 16-19.

  • Warring for Our Nation

    I am calling on all those concerned about the 2008 election to pray.

  • Trends to Watch in 2007

    The war with religious extremists is the No. 1 trend to watch in 2007.

  • Goals for the Body of Christ

    Before we can tell the rest of society how to live, we must clean up our own acts.

  • Help Save Christmas

    This year, do your part to change public opinion about celebrating Christmas.

  • Relief for Israel

    This year we want to help the victims of Israel's recent war with Hezbollah.

  • Are We ‘Non-Prophet’?

    Christians must support candidates who stand for righteousness.

  • Getting the Word Out

    We still face the challenge of getting the Bible to those who need it.

  • Let’s Shift the Nation

    If mobilized, Pentecostals and charismatics can make a big difference.

  • Christians, Unite for Israel

    If you share my passion for Israel, I invite you to join CUFI today.

  • Stop Iran Now

    We must not allow the Iranian regime to develop and use nuclear weapons.

  • The Future of Pentecostalism

    What will keep Pentecostalism from decaying into dead formalism?

  • Azusa’s Centennial

    Pentecostal and charismatics are returning to Los Angeles in 2006.

  • Keith Butler for U.S. Senate

    Keith Butler faces the fight of his life. An we must help him.

  • Stand With Israel

    Love is not just something you say but something you do.

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