Peter K. Johnson

  • Is Revival Emerging in Germany?

    Is Revival Emerging in Germany?

    Spiritual complacency rules in Germany, where most Christians seem more concerned with planning their next vacation than a move of God. But an influx of foreign Pentecostals shows early signs of reawakening the German church. Ulf Bastian tramped into Christengemeinde Elim Pentecostal church in Hamburg, Germany, parading his punk-rocker duds: hair dyed a shocking bright

  • 40 Years on the Streets

    40 Years on the Streets

    This article was orginially published in the February 1998 issue of Charisma.It was Feb. 28, 1958, when the 26-year-old Pentecostal preacher from rural Pennsylvania disrupted a highly publicized murder trial in New York City. David Wilkerson had made the eight-hour drive from his quiet mountain village to downtown Manhattan for a simple reason: to speak…

  • Times Square Church Keeps Growing

    This article was orginally published in the May 1996 issue of Charisma. In Manhattan, David Wilkerson has given the term ‘Broadway revival’ a whole new meaning.Perhaps God had a better idea when the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar opened 25 years ago in Manhattan at the Mark Hellinger Theatre. Today the ornate Broadway landmark houses…

  • Pentecostal Minister Builds Homes for Haiti

    Pentecostal Minister Builds Homes for Haiti

    An Assemblies of God chaplain is helping Haiti rebuild, one prefabricated home at a time. Denny Nissley, founder and executive director of Christ in Action ministry in Manassas, Va., plans to ship 5,000 prefabricated homes to earthquake victims in Haiti. The first shipment of 500 homes is to arrive in Port-au-Prince by late March. Photo:…

  • David Wilkerson’s Amazing Challenge

    David Wilkerson’s Amazing Challenge

    It has been 50 years since Pentecostal preacher David Wilkerson moved to New York City to reach violent gangs. His message has restored hundreds of thousands of lives.Fifty years ago, David Wilkerson seemed an unlikely candidate to attack the Goliath-like monster of drug addiction. He was an obscure 26-year-old Assemblies of God preacher from rural…

  • God at Ground Zero

    Five years after September 11 attacks, Christians are still sharing the hope of Christ's love with a broken city.

  • Coming to America

    Some of the nation’s fastest-growing churches aren’t English-speaking. Immigrants are bringing their vibrant faith to the United States.

  • Faith in Uniform

    Law enforcement is a dangerous profession. That's why Christian cops take their faith seriously.

  • Not Your Grandmother’s Pastor

    With his tattoos and earring, New York City preacher Rick Del Rio has redefined what it means to be Pentecostal.

  • For the Love of Chinatown

    Vicky Liew and her team of Chinese women are taking God's love to illegal immigrants in one of New York City's toughest areas.

  • Faith Amid the Flames

    Embraced as national heroes since the 9/11 attacks, firefighters are finding and sharing God in the face of danger.

  • The Latinos Are Coming

    ¿Tú hablas español? You might want to start learning Spanish now--because Hispanic churches are growing faster than ever in the United States.

  • New York’s Homeless Pastor

    Since 1987, Diane Dunne has fed, clothed and cared for her homeless flock while churches in the city ignored her work. Feisty and street-savvy, with a heart as deep as the skyscraper canyons where she ministers, Diane Dunne extends the hand of Jesus to the poor and needy in New York City and the suburbs

  • A Devil-Stomper In Brooklyn

    A Devil-Stomper In Brooklyn

    In Brooklyn Lamont O’Neil has taken at-risk youth off the streets by teaching them to dance for God. For Lamont O’Neil of Brooklyn, N. Y., the chances that he’d ever be able to climb out of the pit of ghetto poverty were practically nil. When he was 5 years old, his father abandoned the family,

  • How One Woman Challenged Oppression

    Maria Sliwa, a controversial ex-cop from New York City, has a new crime beat. She's calling the United States government to get tough on countries that persecute Christians.

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