Jonathan Bernis

  • Definitive Proof There Really Is a War Against Christianity

    Definitive Proof There Really Is a War Against Christianity

    If we turn our backs and look the other way while anyone is being persecuted, we are in great danger of being persecuted ourselves. Yet I have heard many people, especially Christians, say that the struggles taking place in the Middle East do not concern them. “This is between the Muslims and the Jews,” they

  • What Do We Really Know About Heaven?

    What Do We Really Know About Heaven?

    The question remains: Who will be judged worthy to enter paradise? This question has also been debated over the centuries, with some Jewish leaders believing only the children of Israel will be granted entry, while others, like Rabbi Joshua ben Hananiah, said that “righteous Gentiles have a place in the world to come.” Maimonides agreed,

  • Why Miracles Are for Today—And for You

    Why Miracles Are for Today—And for You

    One popular teaching is that the age of miracles has passed. They were OK in the first century, but not today. This teaching is based on 1 Corinthians 13, which says, “Love never fails—but where there are prophecies, they will pass away; where there are tongues, they will cease; where there is knowledge, it will

  • A Messianic Jewish Leader Cites 3 Major Problems With the Theory of Evolution

    A Messianic Jewish Leader Cites 3 Major Problems With the Theory of Evolution

    Despite the fact that it may be possible, at least in some ways, to square the Bible’s account of creation with the teachings of Charles Darwin, there are at least three major problems with the theory of evolution: 1. It cannot explain how life began. While Darwin’s theory of evolution may seem logical, it never

  • What Can Happen When You See Yourself Through God’s Eyes

    What Can Happen When You See Yourself Through God’s Eyes

    One of the important keys to receiving God’s blessing is to see yourself the way He sees you. And how does He see you? As more than a conqueror. As someone who is able to do great things for His kingdom. As His precious child. If you belong to Yeshua, He doesn’t see you as

  • 4 Ways God Reveals His Plan for You

    4 Ways God Reveals His Plan for You

    Psalm 37:4 (NIV) says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” What are the desires of your heart? Are they in line with the will of God? Clearly, some desires are godly and others aren’t—and ungodly desires are almost always a perversion of godly ones. There are

  • Why Christ Followers Sometimes Struggle to Believe the Bible’s Promises

    Why Christ Followers Sometimes Struggle to Believe the Bible’s Promises

    Why is it so hard for us to believe that God has a plan for our individual lives? I can think of several reasons. Allow me to expand on the top three: 1. Sometimes we feel forgotten. You may ask, “If God loves me, then why did He allow me to go through this terrible

  • 4 Means God Uses to Reveal His Plans for Us

    4 Means God Uses to Reveal His Plans for Us

    God gave us all different talents and abilities because we all have unique paths to follow and unique purposes to fulfill. It is vitally important that you learn to use the abilities God has given you. Don’t try to be something you’re not. Don’t offer to sing a solo during the worship service if you’re

  • Have You Hugged a (Messianic) Jew Lately?

    Have You Hugged a (Messianic) Jew Lately?

    Note: This article originally appeared in the April 1997 issue of Charisma magazine. The rabbi sat across from me in his overstuffed leather armchair, his library of Jewish learning surrounding him like an ancient fortress. “You are meshumed—one who is spiritually destroyed as a Jew!” he declared. “Just as Adolph Hitler sought to destroy our

  • Finding Jesus in the Old Testament

    Finding Jesus in the Old Testament

    A rabbi explains how and why Scripture’s theophanies offer more than just head knowledge about Christ The book of Daniel describes one of the most dramatic appearances of the Son of God in the entire Old Testament. The passage in Daniel 3 tells of three Jews, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who were sentenced to death

  • Finding the Missing Link in Our Missiology

    Finding the Missing Link in Our Missiology

    Decades of annual, clockwork-like repetition had taught John Wilkinson to expect the arrival of the letter in the opening days of each New Year. Wilkinson had founded the Mildmay Mission to the Jews in London in 1876. And, not long after the organization launched, he began receiving annually a check in the mail from a

  • The Birth of Christ

    The Birth of Christ

    It has been said that the New Testament is concealed in the Old Testament and the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament. This is certainly true of the birth of the Messiah, which we celebrate this month. One need only turn to the pages of the Old Testament to discover where, when, how

  • Pray Now for the Peace of Israel

    Pray Now for the Peace of Israel

    At this moment on the international stage, a drama over the security of Israel is unfolding in New York City, the results of which could play a prophetic role in world affairs for generations to come. The eyes of the world are on New York as many nations gather for the Durban III conference, where…

  • The Most Important City on Earth

    I love Jerusalem! I love it because it's a beautiful city and because it is where Messiah taught, laid down His life for the sins of mankind, and was resurrected, triumphing over death. It is the city of the great kings David and Solomon, and the place where the prophets and other great Bible heroes…

  • Sharing the Love of Yeshua

    Sharing the Love of Yeshua

    From time to time, friends ask me how to share their faith in Yeshua (Jesus) with Jewish friends and acquaintances. I really enjoy addressing this issue for a variety of reasons, but mostly because too few of us know where to begin to speak to this question in the most sensitive, yet effective, way. Many…

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