Jamie Rohrbaugh

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I want to Fix Your Life’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I want to Fix Your Life’

    Beloved friend in Jesus, have you been questioning whether or not our God can fix and heal the things that are broken in your life? If so, Abba Father says to you today: “I want to fix your life, heal you and make you completely new. “You think you are too far gone to restore

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Live in the Instant With Me’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Live in the Instant With Me’

    Beloved, the Lord has been talking with me about accessing the blessed life that He has for all of us. And today, I felt His burden to speak to us about how to access that blessed life. This morning, I heard the Lord say: “Let’s talk about laziness. “Did you know that you can be

  • November Is a Month of Turnaround

    November Is a Month of Turnaround

    Beloved, have you been waiting and waiting for breakthrough and change? If so, look to the Lord and stay in prayer in November, for I heard the Lord say, “November is a month of turnaround!” The Scriptures He gave me for this are: “But You have seen, for You observe trouble and grief, To repay

  • The Time of Adventure and Convergence

    The Time of Adventure and Convergence

    Beloved, are you ready to lengthen your tent cords and strengthen your stakes? Are you ready to set out on a great adventure? If so, get those hiking boots on, for the Lord is talking about ADVENTURE and CONVERGENCE this month! A Month of Surprises Here is what I heard the Lord say for October

  • A Month to Fast and Preach

    A Month to Fast and Preach

    Beloved, I asked the Lord to tell me what He has in mind in the Spirit realm for this month. And this is the prophetic word for September 2021 the Lord gave me: “It is a month to fast and preach!” The Lord elaborated on this quite a bit below; but first, let’s look at

  • Prophetic Word: August Is the Month of Reset

    Prophetic Word: August Is the Month of Reset

    The prophetic word for August 2021 is like a healing balm of Gilead for your soul. These are the two words the word the Lord spoke to me for August 2021: A Month of Health The Lord says, “You have been listening to me about the health changes I have told you to make, and

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘My Provision Is Tied to My Nature’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘My Provision Is Tied to My Nature’

    Beloved, have you been praying and believing for the Lord to do great things in your life? If so, then today’s prophetic word is for you. I heard the Lord say: “I want My people to know today that I am their provider and their source. “My beloved child, in whom I am well pleased,

  • Prophetic Word: Your Harvest Will Drop From the Air

    Prophetic Word: Your Harvest Will Drop From the Air

    I saw in the Spirit the Lord highlighting the months of July through December of this year and then also highlighting the months of July, August and September separately. I asked the Lord what He had in mind for these two overlapping, yet distinct, periods of time, and this is what He said: “The months

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Is Pouring Out a New Anointing for Parents

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Is Pouring Out a New Anointing for Parents

    Beloved, have you struggled with being a parent? Have you strangely found yourself in the middle of a heart change lately, being drawn more toward your home, family and children than ever before? If so, then today’s encouraging word is for you! I saw in the Spirit that the Lord is pouring out a new

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Rebooting Your Love Walk’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Rebooting Your Love Walk’

    At the start of the month, I asked the Lord what He had in mind for May, and this is what He said: “In May, I am rebooting your ‘love walk.’ Your love has grown cold in many areas compared to the way I desire for My love to burn in you. You have been

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘In April, You Will Be Astounded’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘In April, You Will Be Astounded’

    Beloved, are you ready for the Lord to move suddenly with good things in April? If so, you will be encouraged by what the Lord showed me today! This is the prophetic word the Lord gave me for April 2021: “I am pouring out My Spirit of freedom on you. In April, you will have

  • Prophetic Word: A Spirit of Performance Is Giving Way to the Spirit of Elijah

    Prophetic Word: A Spirit of Performance Is Giving Way to the Spirit of Elijah

    Beloved, have you been amazed that the Lord is changing your heart toward your family recently? If so, you may be a recipient of His outpouring of the spirit of Elijah. I saw in the spirit that, for two years now, the Lord has been progressively delivering His people from a spirit of performance and

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Revamping Your Sense of Identity Again’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Revamping Your Sense of Identity Again’

    Beloved, are you struggling with feeling overwhelmed lately? Have you been feeling like a disappointment and a failure to yourself and others? If so, the Lord wants to encourage you today. This is what I heard the Lord say: “I am revamping your sense of identity yet again, My child.” He went on to say:

  • Should Intercessors Pray for the Wicked and Evil?

    Should Intercessors Pray for the Wicked and Evil?

    As intercessors, it is our duty and privilege to pray the will of God. However, praying the will of God doesn’t always mean we pray for people to be blessed. Of course, we always pray first and foremost that people will be saved. However, according to Scripture, there are some who have given themselves over

  • Prophecy: Teamster Angels Are Delivering Your Harvest

    Prophecy: Teamster Angels Are Delivering Your Harvest

    Beloved, are you ready for teamster angels to bring you loads of harvest from heaven? If so, you’re going to love what the Lord has to say about this today. Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about teamster angels and the release of your harvest—and He is saying that the set time is now.

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