
Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Rebooting Your Love Walk’

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Jamie Rohrbaugh

At the start of the month, I asked the Lord what He had in mind for May, and this is what He said:

“In May, I am rebooting your ‘love walk.’ Your love has grown cold in many areas compared to the way I desire for My love to burn in you. You have been too exhausted to love well, but now that I have rebooted your soul and spirit through some measure of rest and refreshing, it’s time for Me to reboot your love walk also.

“Think not that your time of rest and refreshing is over; it is not. In reality, it has only begun. It may take several years for you to learn the new rhythms of a life that is based in My rest, but this month, I will reinforce your foundations, beginning with your love walk. It is time for you to become lovesick for Me again.

“Read Psalm 119 this month and pray through it. It is the lovesick prayer of a hungry man, the prayer of My servant David. Allow the words of this psalm to saturate your soul. These words are My words that I put in David’s mouth to pray and express himself, and they will you help you express yourself too. This is the psalm of the month.”

Concentrate on Your Foundations

“May is a month of foundations. Concentrate on your foundations this month:

— “Become revitalized in your seeking of Me.

— “Ask Me to help you hunger and thirst after My Word again.

— “Ask Me to make you a person of prayer, of the Word, of fasting this month.

— “Ask Me for grace to fast and fast well when you feel led to fast.

—”Ask Me for help with everything; I will not fail you or let you down!”

Speak Words of Big Faith

“You will see the declarations that you have been speaking begin to take root and grow this month. You have been speaking the Word diligently over your situation, and by doing so, you have brought blessing upon yourself. Trust in Me and in the ability of My Word to manifest blessings in your life. Continue speaking big words over your life in May.

“If you’re going to speak, you might as well speak words of big faith. It takes the same energy to speak a word, whether it is a word of faith or a word of doubt and unbelief. So if you are to expend energy, why not make every word that comes out of your mouth into a building tool to build the big life you desire?

“Don’t cast your pearls before swine this month or any month (not all people can understand), but continue speaking big words of blessing and hope for your future. Proclaim them loudly so that all can hear, and I will give you rest in the field of My blessing that I will bestow upon you in response to My Word.”

Ask Me

“Always pray for Me to rebuke the devourer. You are at a new level of intimacy with Me and a new level of blessing. The enemy would love to rob you of your blessing, but he cannot if I rebuke him. Continually ask Me to rebuke the devourer for your sake, and I will.

“Ask Me to show you things that you cannot ask or think this month. Eye has not seen nor ear heard the things I have prepared for you in the month of May. You will receive these things if you ask Me for them. It is just that simple.”

Saving the Best for Last

“I love you, My child. Think not that I do not love you because I have taken My time to answer some things. You have been hidden like an arrow in My quiver (Isa. 49), but I will take you out of My hiding place and propel you forward when I deem the time is right. I always save the best for last, though, so you can be assured that the things in front of you will be greater than all the things behind you.

“You can also rest assured that I have not forgotten even one of your dreams. I feel the burning of your heart and your wondering at My waiting period. I know you feel distressed in your spirit right now, but I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Ask Me to show you a sign for good, and I will. I am working in the situation even now.”

Don’t Worry or Fear—Just Seek Me!

“Those things that eye has not seen and ear has not heard are laid up for you this month. I have kept some things back that you will need in this moment; I will give them to you at the right time. I am He who equips you for battle, and I will never let you move forward without the tools you need. Do not worry or fear; I will help you!” says the Lord.

He continued: “You have been worried over many things, but only one thing is needful. Only seek Me. Return to your simple faith—the faith you had before you started trying to figure it all out. Seek Me in the morning and in the evening. Praise Me in your coming and in your going, and all will be fulfilled. I will supply all your needs this month and every month.

“I know it feels uncomfortable sometimes, but I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Do not think that I have abandoned you; far be it from Me to do such a thing! I have not abandoned you and never will. You have also been feeling like others have abandoned you, but I am your source of comfort, encouragement and fulfillment.

“Seek Me, My child. Come back to the foundations and shore them up. Walk in simple, lovesick hunger and adoration with Me—and I did say ‘with Me,’ for I am as lovesick for you as I desire you to be toward Me.

“I love you so much, My child. Ask Me to demonstrate My love in new ways today, for you need to see it. Ask Me for My comfort and encouragement today, for you need them both. I will help you if you ask.” {eoa}

Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author, speaker and presence-seeker whose heart is for the local church. Called to intercession and prophetic ministry, her passion is to see sons and daughters transformed by the love of Abba Father. Jamie blogs for a global readership at fromhispresence.com, where she writes about prayer, personal revival and the supernatural lifestyle, and she has written for various ministry outlets. She holds a master’s degree in biblical studies from Berea Seminary and is a grateful member of the Redbud Writers Guild. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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