
Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Live in the Instant With Me’

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Jamie Rohrbaugh

Beloved, the Lord has been talking with me about accessing the blessed life that He has for all of us. And today, I felt His burden to speak to us about how to access that blessed life.

This morning, I heard the Lord say:

“Let’s talk about laziness.

“Did you know that you can be lazy in one area and not lazy in another?

“You are not a lazy person; I don’t want you to attach laziness to your identity in Christ, because who you are is ‘the righteousness of God in Christ.’ As My Word says in 2 Corinthians 5:21:

“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (NKJV).

“However, despite the fact that you are My righteousness in My Son Jesus, not everything you do has lined up with My character, My nature, and My will for you yet.

“Diligence is My will for you.

“I have commanded you in My Word to be diligent. This means that anything that goes against My command to be diligent is sin. And laziness is the opposite of diligence; that means laziness is sin.

“My child, My Word says that six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord Your God. I really meant what I said when I said you should work for six days.

“You should relax, too, after your work is done for the day. However, many times you relax instead of working merely because you are intimidated—not because your work is done.

“Intimidation happens as the result of many accumulated moments of laziness.

“My child, you are to be instant in season and out of season. My command to ‘be instant’ has many applications. I want you to know today that you are to live in the instant, always asking Me what I desire you to do in this instant.

“Laziness is simply disobedience in the instant—disobedience in a single moment—but it can accrue into a pattern and a stronghold of evil in your life. And like every time you disobey Me, your disobedience even by being lazy opens the door to the enemy and produces intimidation in your life.

“However …

“If you live in the instant, you will not be intimidated nearly so easily. For example:

  • Living in the instant, you don’t have to worry about picking up all the clothes. You only need concern yourself with that one shirt that I am asking you to pick up and hang up, in this instant.
  • Living in the instant, you don’t have to worry about totally changing your diet. You only need concern yourself with putting your hand on the fresh vegetables, instead of on the pie, in this instant.
  • Living in the instant, you only need concern yourself with standing up and walking around to stretch your legs for one step—not condemning yourself for living a sedentary lifestyle.

“It is through living in the instant that large changes are made.

“I desire to utterly transform your life. I desire to renovate you—to make you new, again and again—from top to bottom. But these changes accrue as a result of many small decisions that are made in one instant only.

“Living in the instant eliminates intimidation and laziness.

“Living in the instant takes away the pressure. Living in the instant is also the utmost manifestation of abiding in Me, for you are literally waiting to see what I do next before you do anything next. You literally do what I do and say what I say, every instant.

“When you are that close to Me, intimidation is no longer possible. And when you are that close to Me, obeying Me at that level of instant submission, I can bless you far more exceedingly than you ever have been blessed before.

“So much of what I desire to fix and heal in your life is the result of laziness—which I define as passing Me by in the instant.

“When I prompt you to do something, and you tell Me no, you are missing out:

  • Missing out on My help in that moment;
  • Missing out on the intimacy with Me that we would have had if you had obeyed Me in that moment;
  • Missing out on the blessing I wanted to bring you as a result of your obedience.

“So, My child, I urge you: Begin living in the instant with Me.

“Get rid of laziness. Get rid of your tendency to ignore Me in the instant, putting off until tomorrow what I just prompted you to do today. Laziness is momentary disobedience, but momentary disobedience can ruin your life, your finances, your marriage, your relationships and anything else.

“Everything in life pertains to obeying Me, for I have shown you how to live in every instance by giving you the example of My Son Jesus. Stop bypassing things because they do not seem spiritual enough, important enough or urgent enough.

“Begin to live as I do, for I pay attention to everything. And if you are abiding in Me, living in the instant with Me, I will be the watchdog for you over everything that pertains to you.

For the rest of this prophetic word, please visit fromhispresence.com. {eoa}

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder of From His Presence Ministries. She equips people to walk in power, find healing on the inside and fulfill their destiny in Christ. She is an author, a speaker and a Presence seeker. A daughter of God, she is not an orphan. She was born for revival and longs to see the fullness of a Third Great Awakening come in her generation.

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