Don Britton

  • Why Salvation Is More Than Praying the ‘Sinner’s Prayer’

    Why Salvation Is More Than Praying the ‘Sinner’s Prayer’

    Why didn’t Jesus just lead the rich young ruler in a simple “sinner’s prayer” and then tell him he had eternal life? Why didn’t Jesus just tell the man to ask Jesus into his heart? Why did Jesus say that it was so hard for a rich man to be saved if all he had

  • Do Not Let False Prophets Deceive You—Expose Their Schemes

    Do Not Let False Prophets Deceive You—Expose Their Schemes

    I shared in a previous podcast that one of the major reasons the church is full of sin is because of modern prophets, pastors and teachers speaking falsehoods. In this episode of The Great Deception on the Charisma Podcast Network, I expand my message to explain more of why this is true and how to

  • Why It’s Worth It to Persevere Through the Narrow Gate

    Why It’s Worth It to Persevere Through the Narrow Gate

    During the gold rush of the 1800s a man named Darby and his uncle went to Colorado to find gold. They staked their claim and began to dig with pick and shovel. They soon discovered a vein of gold and were very confident they would become rich. So they covered up their find and went

  • Jesus Is Coming Soon: Are You Ready?

    Jesus Is Coming Soon: Are You Ready?

    My question for you is this: “Are you ready?” Are you ready to face the Almighty God; the God who knows and sees everything you have every said or done and knows your heart from the inside, in spite of how you present yourself on the outside? So, what will the day of the Lord

  • Faith Leaders, Don’t Fall Into This Trap

    Faith Leaders, Don’t Fall Into This Trap

    Paid preachers love being called “pastor” or “doctor” or “reverend,” just like the Pharisees loved to be called “rabbi.” They love the respectful greetings wherever they go. If these men didn’t want to be honored this way, they would not let people use special titles in place of their name, or give them special honor.

  • Why Your Constant Social Media Use Can Be Spiritually Dangerous

    Why Your Constant Social Media Use Can Be Spiritually Dangerous

    Social media seems to fill the need to be connected, the need to be accepted and the need of belonging to something greater than ourselves. But at the end of the day it is mostly meaningless because it only offers feelings without any purpose. After one has connected with a thousand other people on Facebook

  • Why Most American Christians Resemble Jesus’ ‘Barren Fig Tree’

    Why Most American Christians Resemble Jesus’ ‘Barren Fig Tree’

    “When He saw a fig tree by the road, He went to it but found nothing on it except leaves. He said to it, ‘Let no fruit ever grow on you again.’ Immediately the fig tree withered away” (Matt. 21:19). Today most American Christians are barren of godly fruit but only have attractive leaves on

  • Are You Ready for the Day of the Lord?

    Are You Ready for the Day of the Lord?

    My question for you is this: Are you ready? Are you ready to face the Almighty God, the God who knows and sees everything you have every said or done and knows your heart from the inside, in spite of how you present yourself on the outside? So what will the day of the Lord

  • Where Are You, Godly Man?

    Where Are You, Godly Man?

    The Lord appointed men to lead, teach, protect and provide for their families. We now have a generation of men who are lazy and passive. When I say “lazy and passive,” I mean in the responsibility of engaging with their wives and children in meaningful conversations and teaching them the ways of God. Most men

  • How You Can Avoid the Enemy’s End-Times Deception

    How You Can Avoid the Enemy’s End-Times Deception

    Many Christians are deceived into thinking that evidence of the Holy Spirit is connected to supernatural gifts. The biblical evidence says otherwise: No one can bear fruit without power. The evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is shown by the power of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the person’s life,

  • What True Repentance Really Looks Like

    What True Repentance Really Looks Like

    For if we willfully continue to sin after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation, which will devour the adversaries. Anyone who despised Moses’ law died without mercy in the presence of two or three witnesses. How

  • Whose Image Are You Being Conformed To?

    Whose Image Are You Being Conformed To?

    When I was a young man (late teens and early 20s) and before I became a believer, I used to hang around guys who loved cars—especially powerful cars. Since I was an automotive technician and loved to improve a car’s performance, it was comfortable for me to hang around “gearheads.” I used to modify my

  • This Tithing Myth Is Robbing the Church’s Widows and Poor People

    This Tithing Myth Is Robbing the Church’s Widows and Poor People

    After examining the Scriptures, it is obvious that the modern teachings on tithing are nothing more than falsehood. They are teachings of men that have been handed down to us for the purposes of men. This tradition has robbed many widows and poor people by extorting money from them, money they often could not afford

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