Bunni Pounds

  • How to Bounce Back From Election Burnout

    How to Bounce Back From Election Burnout

    After the November 2020 election, disillusionment set in. The quest for the truth about the presidential elections ended—for me and for many of us around the nation—with no resolution. If you are one of those people who has lost hope in our electoral system in the U.S., I pray the words that follow speak life

  • POLITICS: Bounce Back from Election Burnout

    POLITICS: Bounce Back from Election Burnout

    POLITICS: Many Christians felt devastated after the 2020 election. Some don’t even want to vote again because they feel betrayed by candidates, misled by the media or abused by voter fraud. Here is a heavenly blueprint on how to move forward

  • Jesus Is Coming Quickly

    Jesus Is Coming Quickly

    Christians have a foundational truth in their arsenal that puts everything in our lives into perspective. It doesn’t make sense to unbelievers, but it is what gives us joy, peace and hope: Jesus is coming back. “Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle” (2

  • Let’s Talk About Politics and Religion

    Let’s Talk About Politics and Religion

    You may have grown up hearing the famous warning that there are two things to never discuss over the dinner table: politics and religion. If you grew up in a Christian household, discussing faith was unavoidable, but you may have been raised to steer away from discussing politics, much less getting involved in politics and

  • God’s Presence Is in Every Sphere

    God’s Presence Is in Every Sphere

    In a world often divided between the sacred and the secular, it’s easy to compartmentalize our lives, relegating the divine to church walls while viewing everyday activities as devoid of spiritual significance. Yet, this artificial division limits our understanding of God’s omnipresence and undermines His power to work in all aspects of our lives. Consider

  • We Are Called to Change the Political Landscape

    We Are Called to Change the Political Landscape

    In the wake of Jesus’ resurrection, a resounding mandate echoed: “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). This charge, devoid of exemptions, applies even to those grappling with doubt. Jesus empowered believers and skeptics alike, emphasizing that their strength was not self-derived but rooted in His sovereignty. Get your FREE CHARISMA NEWSLETTERS today!

  • Don’t Give Up on America, Church

    Don’t Give Up on America, Church

    Last week, three of us from our team at Christians Engaged traveled to Louisiana for a few days to work with our evangelism partners, Time to Revive. Because of over a year’s worth of work by these faithful evangelists, we saw 11 churches come together across denominational and racial lines for the purpose of sharing the gospel. Every

  • How I Prayed for the Darkest Place on Earth

    How I Prayed for the Darkest Place on Earth

    Just before the 2018 Texas primary run-off, I shared with a friend, “You haven’t lived until almost a million dollars in negative advertising is hurled at you.” Five years on, while I may not grasp the pain of Coptic Christians in Egypt or the rejection faced by former Muslims converting to Christianity, I understand the

  • The Gospel Reason Why I Went Into Politics

    The Gospel Reason Why I Went Into Politics

    As a young mom shuttling my boys to their Christian school, my journey into politics unexpectedly began. After leaving my mission field plans aside, I married Tim, and together we grew Bluebonnet Pest Control from 1996 to 2001. We eventually sold the business, dabbled in the restaurant industry with our rolled sandwich business, Roly Poly,

  • Does God Speak to Politicians?

    Does God Speak to Politicians?

    Christians must engage in politics, discipling the nation one heart at a time

  • The Reason Why D.C. Needs Discipleship

    The Reason Why D.C. Needs Discipleship

    After Jesus’ resurrection and before He left His disciples, He spoke a clear mandate to these future world changers: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19). In this mandate no one was exempt from the task of going and the task of making disciples. Even the people listening to Jesus that

  • The Righteous are the Hope of America

    The Righteous are the Hope of America

    Washington, D.C. is a dark, consuming place where the gods of this world–gods of power and prestige–take center stage. The founders of our nation were constantly having a debate in those early colonial years around the centralizing of a federal government and the power that those decisions would bring. I don’t think they could have

  • How Can Local Churches Be Empowered for Evangelism?

    How Can Local Churches Be Empowered for Evangelism?

    Last week, I wrote about the eye-opening conversation I had with two evangelists that I hugely respect and admire on the state of evangelism in modern America. I highly encourage you to read that piece here. Shawn Carlson is the executive director at Time to Revive (TTR). Founded by Kyle Lance Martin, TTR is equipping

  • Eye-Opening Revelations of Modern Evangelism in America

    Eye-Opening Revelations of Modern Evangelism in America

    Evangelism is a key tenet of the Christian faith, but how many of us really share our faith on a regular basis? Jesus told us to “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19) — baptizing, teaching, and discipling through His power. If He is empowering us, what is our excuse? The

  • Celebrating the Miracle of Our New House Speaker Mike Johnson

    Celebrating the Miracle of Our New House Speaker Mike Johnson

    After 22 days of the American public wondering if the House Republicans would ever come together, they finally became unified around a humble Christian man. Congressman Mike Johnson from Louisiana—a man who came to Congress to bring more civility and good governance to the House—is our new Speaker and the third in line for the

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