Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

PROPHETIC: Top 5 Prophetic Stories of 2024

The year 2024 has been a historic, and prophetic, year that seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye.

No corner of culture was spared the unprecedented wave of events that marked the past year, and massive change has come to not just America, but to the world.

God is moving, and we are seeing the evidence of this all around us. From college campus revivals breaking out to the historic reelection of Donald Trump as President of the United States, here is a brief breakdown of major events that took place in 2024.

1. Donald Trump Wins the 2024 Presidential Election in a Landslide

Donald Trump’s win is the biggest political comeback in modern history. As the country has become less moral and lurched toward socialism in recent decades, millions of Americans (including most Bible-believing Christians) have had enough. We prayed that God would change the downward direction by giving us a leader who would change the course. God answered with a decisive win for Trump, whose life God spared—twice!—for such a time as this.

There is a spiritual aspect to this election that most in the media ignore. They focus on issues they think swung the election—the economy, the border crisis and foreign policies. But they ignore the fact that millions of us consider abortion murder; that we refuse to allow the ever-growing list of perversions to be crammed down our throats; and that we just resent the ungodly trend toward more government that manifests itself in so many ways.

Those who oppose Trump also oppose what we believers consider to be godly values. Trump famously once said, “They aren’t against me, they are against you, I’m just in the way.” They called Donald Trump a fascist and those of us who support him ‘deplorable,’ ‘nazi’ and this time, ‘garbage.’

Trump’s election is a fulfillment of prophecy which is documented in Stephen E. Strang’s book God and Donald Trump. Ten years before Trump announced his first candidacy, Kim Clement and others said God was going to raise up someone who would not be a praying man when he went into the White House, but would become a man of prayer. In other words, as imperfect as Trump may be by evangelical standards of behavior, God would use him for His purposes.

There’s so much that must be done. At least now, we have a reprieve. And we know that in the same way God spared Trump’s life on July 13, God has spared America on Nov. 5. But our work is just beginning. It’s more than making America great again. We must work and believe that America can be godly again.

2. God Cleaning His Church Out of Sinful Leadership

Are principalities and powers behind the timing of some of the controversies coming out of Dallas megachurches?

Within just a few months, we’ve seen famous pastors and their megachurches in the Dallas, Texas, area come out with controversy and scandal; from Tony Evans stepping down from Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship due to “sin,” to Robert Morris of Gateway Church confessing “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady,” the number of leaders falling continues to grow. While not in the same area, we also saw the founder of the International House of Prayer Kansas City, Mike Bickle, fall from leadership due to sexual acts, including with a minor, that happened years ago.

The falling of these pastors from leadership roles due to sin shows that perhaps there is more happening behind-the-scenes than we may think in a genuine and spiritual way. If we look at the state of Texas, it is a place of major influence for our entire nation. It is also the border to our nation where there is a real crisis related to immigration. Do these cases speak directly to how careful we are supposed to be with what we allow into our lives?

As we approach the return of Jesus, there will be a real falling away, a separation of wheat from chaff. In a 2024 prophetic word with Charisma Media, Bishop Alan DiDio said that this year would be a year of a changing guard that had to do with “mega pastors.”

“There is coming in 2024 mega pastors, not all; there are many wonderful mega pastors, but mega pastors who are more concerned about the crowd and appeasing the populace than they are about speaking the prophetic word of God,” DiDio said.

“There’s going to be a lot of dog whistles if you will within the Christian community where people are signaling that they’re on the side of Saul…so there’s a changing of the guard that’s taking place right now and the body of Christ is to make a decision of what side of the line we’re going to be on because judgment’s going to fall on the ignorant if they’re unprepared,” he continued.

The moment has come for darkness to be exposed by the light, and those who are committed first and far most to the Lord will stay committed to Him regardless of what news breaks about their favorite pastors and churches.

3. The Return of the Red Heifer and End Times Implications

The Bible story of the red heifer is found in the Old Testament in Numbers, chapter 19. The red heifer is a ritual element in the Jewish tradition’s purification process. God instructed Moses and Aaron to raise a red heifer unique in that it was required to be completely red and without blemish.

The purification ritual procedure involved sacrificing the red heifer outside the camp, then burning its carcass with cedar wood, hyssop and scarlet material. The ashes were mixed with water and used in the ceremonial purification ritual.  One of the last pieces needed to restore the third temple is the ashes of a pure, red heifer.

Having a pure, of age, red heifer is an indicator for Christians that these days are fast approaching. Evil is permeating the world just like in the days of Noah, perhaps even more so with how wickedness seems to manifest every week across every sphere from entertainment media to government to academia.

No, we do not believe as the Jews do in the purification through the blood of the red heifer. We believe in the purification through the blood of the Lamb. But these things must come to pass before the return of Jesus Christ.

4. The Rapid Increase in Supernatural Events

In a recent interview with Charisma Media, renowned author and researcher L.A. Marzulli leapt into the topic of supernatural portals and their connection to the biblical promised land of Israel. Known for his expertise in the fields of the paranormal and spiritual warfare, Marzulli raises concerns about the spiritual battle that exists both in the natural and supernatural realms.

“There are gateways and portals over the promised land, there’s no doubt about that,” Marzulli states, emphasizing that these openings allow entities to pass through from other realms. He draws a direct connection between the supernatural activity in Israel and the spiritual forces described in the Bible. “Just like there are gateways and portals in other places on the Earth, this is how these entities pass through.”

Through 2024 there were both natural phenomena, such as the Great North American Eclipse along with earthquakes and wildfires, and supernatural signs and wonders that Marzulli references in the book of Daniel to provide a biblical foundation for his claims. He points to Daniel 10:13, where an angel sent to deliver a message to Daniel is delayed for 21 days by the “prince of Persia,” a demonic territorial spirit. Marzulli believes that similar spirits are still active in regions like Iran and Gaza today. “There are territorial spirits,” he explains. “The Bible tells us who the Prince of Persia is. I would posit that the Prince of Persia is still operating.”

He further connects these supernatural events to the ancient Nephilim, the hybrid offspring of fallen angels and human women mentioned in Genesis 6:4. Marzulli also touches on the significance of the Middle East in biblical prophecy, specifically highlighting Damascus and its connection to the last days.

Believing the turmoil in the region is tied not just to geopolitical tensions but also to spiritual forces at work, Marzulli suggests that ancient portals in the Middle East may be linked to the Nephilim, influencing human history throughout the ages.

“I think these portals are ancient and have been used to access our world by beings that have influenced human history,” Marzulli explains. He warns that the escalating spiritual war is directly connected to events unfolding in this region, namely Israel’s war with Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, emphasizing the need for believers to remain vigilant as these signs align with the fulfillment of end-time prophecies.

5. Revivals Across America

Students at Texas A&M Corpus Christi are rejoicing at the joy and salvation being found on campus.

A student event hosted by New Life Church and the New Life Young Adults ministry saw “nearly 1,500 students” attend and 62 baptisms take place, according to New Life pastors Mike and Bonnie Fehlauer’s Facebook post.

New Life Young Adults Pastor Tarik Whitmore detailed how his message to those gathered was focused on Isaiah 6, which details the “conviction, cleansing and commissioning that follows a genuine encounter with God.”

“This was followed by testimonies from students and former students—sharing how God saved them, set them free, healed them physically and is now using them to change the lives of others,” Whitmore shared.

This magnificent surrendering to God by America’s young people is a continuation of the movement that has been taking place in greater numbers ever since the Asbury Awakening in February 2023. Just a week before the event held at Texas A&M took place, members of The Ohio State football team held a similar event the group had been praying over for a long time.

As previously reported by Charisma News on the event at Ohio State, “The number of those in attendance varies, with some reports claiming 800-1,000 people, and others saying some 2,000 attended the spiritual awakening.

“We were praying for years and years for an event like this, and we were praying with expectation—we serve a miracle-working God,” Ohio State wide receiver Emeka Egbuka says. “So we definitely had an expectation when it came out, but God did increasingly and abundantly more than what we thought. So, we’re just so blessed and thankful.”

Looking Ahead to 2025

We are living in prophetic and accelerated times, and thank the Lord He has granted America a period of reprieve. Now is the time for the church to step forward and fulfill the Great Commission, sharing the love and message of Jesus Christ with a world in need of hope and truth. Just as Christ showed us His love through sacrifice and compassion, the church must embody that same love in action and word, reaching out to the lost, the hurting and the overlooked. This calling is not just a duty but a profound privilege, empowering us, His church, to be His hands and feet, carrying the message of salvation to every nation, just as Jesus commanded.

James Lasher is staff writer and copy editor at Charisma Media. His first book, The Revelation of Jesus: A Common Man’s Commentary, will debut in October 2025.

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