Sat. Oct 12th, 2024

“Sir, we’re here to break down Lucifer’s protective barriers,” the angel replied in the vision. “We are here to breakdown Lucifer’s protective barriers of Baal’s roots.”

America is dealing with a lot these days. There are physical manifestations, such as the difficult economy, lawlessness and persecution of the ways of God taking place, but there are spiritual battles happening behind these events.

Of course, seeing a direct spiritual assault on the strongholds over this nation’s leadership, Sheets asks the angel why he was even being showed this vision, what is the reason behind this?

“Sir,” the angel replied. “Permission to proceed.”

Dutch reveals the role the church has in America for the chains to be broken over the nation.

“[The angel is] waiting for the apostolic decree from the ecclesia. To carry out, to be the voice of the Lord, so they could carry out their assignment,” says Dutch.

The war being waged in the spiritual realm is in need of Christians participation. This military conflict of the supernatural is detailed to us throughout Scripture, and the important role of believers. Paul exhorts us to put on the full armor of God (Eph. 6:11) because we are going into battle by proclaiming the name of Jesus.

Paul also tells us, specifically, our battle is not with each other but with the principalities, powers and rulers of darkness, again, in the spiritual realm (Eph. 6:12), and that our warfare is not of the flesh but is instead spiritual in nature (2 Cor. 10:3-5).

As the dream comes to an end, Dutch shares the words his brother Tim gave to the angel upon the realization that they are waiting on the ecclesia to give the word: “Soldier, proceed,” he says.

God sends His angels to help us in times of crisis, some as warrior angels, some as ministering angels and messengers. It is up to us to lift up prayers to the Lord as Daniel did, and He will answer us in turn.

James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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