Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

Prophetic Vision: God Is Calling You to Break Satan’s Diabolical Cycles

As I was in prayer concerning what was on the heart and mind of God for His people, the Lord showed me the strategy of the enemy is to bring His people into an unhealthy, toxic, unproductive and frustrating season of recurring cycles of defeat, failure, mishap, lack, poverty and pain.

The enemy wants God’s people to forfeit what is rightfully theirs and to rob them of their joy, peace and righteousness in the Holy Spirit. The ultimate goal and objective is to cause God’s people to miss their purpose in life, running around in circles like a dog chasing its tail to keep them from fulfilling their God-given destiny and call.

Moreover, the Lord showed me a vision of something rather interesting in prayer. With these hidden plans of the enemy, there were people with swords in their hands cutting what it seems to be an ever-ending rope. This rope was severed into pieces that were tied around God’s people. God said there were things binding and prohibiting His people from moving forward. They were holding themselves hostage by the cares of life and unnecessary burdens placed around and on them.

The sword represented the Word of God through the power of the spoken word that cut asunder anything that was restricting them. It took some time for them to cut through, but breakthrough was the end result. God said that He is calling His people to become cycle-breakers! Every diabolical scheme and plot of the enemy to keep God’s people in an endless cycle and reoccurring season of defeat is broken in Jesus’ name!

Furthermore, everyone has had some level of cycles in life that were very difficult to break. Whenever someone comes to me for a prophetic word, prayer, counsel and, at times, complains of a long-term persistent negative cycle, I normally ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me what is perpetuating or initiating this type of cycle so we can pray and break it once and for all. For example, let’s say that an individual comes to you with a continual issue with those in authority, no matter how many times they switch jobs, churches, relationships, pastors or change employers.

The question will always be asked, “Why me?” They may be aware at times that the cycle can be cause by themselves and not oftentimes by others. It’s easy to play the victim, but we must at times do self-examination and look at why some unhealthy cycles are there in the first place.

We have to ask ourselves, did I open a door for this cycle to occur? Who did I connect with who wasn’t in the plan of God for my life? Did I make life-altering decisions that ultimately caused me to enter into an agreement that is opposing God’s purpose and destiny for my life? Lastly, did I open a door out of ignorance to permit the enemy to have legal access to wreak havoc in my life?

In my process of questioning someone in regards to bad cycles that happens in their lives, almost everybody would rather me give a sympathetic response in hopes I will fully understand and side with them that they’ve done their part, because none of us wants to believe that we may be the “problem.” It’s easy to shift blame, not taking full responsibility over who we allow into our lives and to give us advice. The cycle that happens in our lives is not the cycle that God placed us into, and it must be broken by the one who allowed it—you!

The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober and watchful, because your adversary the devil walks around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him firmly in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.”

It is the plan of the enemy to catch you off guard and vulnerable. 2 Corinthians 2:11 says clearly: “Lest Satan should take advantage of us. For we are not ignorant of his devices.” God won’t leave you outwitted and ignorant of what the enemy is up to. The enemy wants to outsmart God’s people. He is a master deceiver and schemer.

However, God is a master strategist who knows what the next move of the enemy will be. God will not have you enter a cycle that will break you, but you will break the cycles of the enemy. You are a cycle-breaker!

Don’t fall into agreement with what life throws at you. Don’t cave in to what others may say or do. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus! You were born to overcome and win! When you identify a repeated pattern that is unhealthy and toxic for your growth, development and well-being, break it by the power of your words. Life and death are in the power of your tongue (Prov. 18:21).

You can sever the demonic cycles today by standing in the authority of Christ by the Holy Spirit. Keep in mind thoses cycle can be created and they also can be broken. Whenever I find myself in a cycle that seems to mirror my past, or something I recall that wasn’t what God had for me, I instantly pray, fast and take authority, and decree to suddenly change my atmosphere and season. I begin to activate my faith in the Word of God to break everything that is not my portion in God.

If I opened a door that created any irregularities in my life, I normally ask God to send angelic assistance to go before me to make the crooked places straight while taking full ownership of my actions by confessing and repenting. Old habits, patterns and cycles must be broken, shattered and severed in order to gain control over your life. As you rise up to be a cycle-breaker today, ask yourself or someone you know who is going through a cycle of mishaps, misfortune, curses, pain, disappointment, despair and poverty these questions:

—What do you think is the method to get to the root of the cycle?

—Think about the cycle and come up with a reason why it keeps happening.

—Ask God to show you any decisions, doors or people who may cause this to happen.

—Ask God if this cycle is a result or a mirror of your own decision and behavior.

—Ask God to show you every negative thing in your life that may be prohibiting progress.

—Ask God what type of fast to go on to break any stubborn cycles.

—How do you change the cycle from negative to positive?

—Confess the positive until the negative is weakened and broken.

—Ask God to reveal clearly His divine purpose to self-improve you until you overcome the cycle.

—Ask God if there are any areas in your life of dishonor and un-repented sins.

Finally, we must understand that there are people today who do not understand the law of “cause and effect.” Oftentimes they believe that even long-term patterns of repeated cycles that happen in their life come out of the blue or thin air. They take on a victimized mentality. However, if you found out a long-term negative pattern in your life, the Bible suggests that we seek and ask the Lord because it is not there without a cause (Prov. 26:2).

You are a cycle-breaker! Your decision today will determine your destiny for tomorrow. Break free from any obligation, agreements, soul-ties (mutual terms) and commitments that are not God-centered and given. Don’t allow repeated cycles to rob you of the promises of God. End and break bad cycles today with words of power by the Holy Spirit. {eoa}

Dr. Hakeem Collins is an empowerment specialist, respected prophetic voice, apostolic leader, governmental minister, life coach and sought-after conference speaker. He is known for his keen, accurate prophetic gifting and supernatural ministry. Author of bestselling books Heaven Declares and Command Your Healing, he’s been featured on many television shows: Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! The Word Network and Cornerstone TV, just to name a few. He is host of Prophetic Breakthrough podcast on Charisma Podcast Network ( Follow him on: and

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