Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

The Biblical Truth No One Can Steal From You

God has a purpose for everyone and everything He created.

To live according to our purpose, we must understand that God never does anything as merely a test or an experiment—that when He creates something, it is because He has already given it a reason for existence and knows exactly how His creation will respond. “He predestined us to adoption as sons to Himself through Jesus Christ according to the good pleasure of His will” (Eph. 1:5).

God Establishes the End From the Beginning

When the Scriptures say that we were predestined, they emphasize that God has a purpose for each one of us. We were created in eternity, in a spiritual environment, before the foundation of the world, to have an exclusive destiny previously traced in the mind of God. There are no coincidences in Him.

Anything that He formed was first finished in His supernatural mind. He determines the purpose and then shapes the one who will fulfill it. We need to discover and live out the purpose He has for us.

However, we must keep in mind that God has also given human beings free will. His ultimate plans for humanity will always come to pass. It is up to us whether we will participate in those plans or forfeit our place in them.

We exist because it is the supreme desire of God for us to be here. Most human beings believe that they exist to satisfy their own selfish desires, but in reality, we exist to satisfy and please God. God is not selfish, and His unconditional love seeks the good of all mankind. His plans for us are better than any personal desires we may have.

You Are Not an Accident

Let’s look at a Scripture passage concerning the life of Jeremiah that faithfully expresses the concept of purpose and predestination, as well as the prophetic role that Jeremiah would fulfill in the history of Israel: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; and before you were born I sanctified you, and I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (Jer. 1:4-5).

The phrase “before I formed you in the womb I knew you” reveals that this occurred in eternity, outside of measured time.

No one arrives on earth unless their purpose is already determined in heaven. You are not an experiment or an accident; you are on earth because, in the mind of God, you are already a “finished product,” with a purpose and destiny.

People may tell you that you are useless and will never be successful in life. The good news is that if you are here, it is because God created you, formed you and gave you purpose. You are important to His plan!

Never accept other people’s negative opinions of you, because nobody knows a finished product better than the one who created it. Additionally, when you walk in God’s purpose, you can be assured that everything in your life is working for good: “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28).

God knows why and for what end He created you. If you search for it from your heart, He will reveal to you the purpose of your life, and you can begin to live it out.

In this regard, don’t allow the human circumstances of your birth to define you. Because humanity rebelled against God, we live in a fallen world. God is well aware of the circumstances under which each of us was conceived. Yet in His foreknowledge, He created us all with a purpose—a good purpose.

Thus, eternally speaking, you are not the product of human invention. You were conceived due to a creative idea from God. No matter what your background, what you must do now is begin to walk through life with the assurance that if God began the work in you, He will finish it (Phil. 1:6).

You were not created just to breathe, eat and pay bills. Nor were you created just to warm a chair in a church or be merely one of the crowd.

You were created for greatness. Just as birds are designed to fly through the sky and fish to swim in the water, you were designed to live in a particular atmosphere—the very presence of God. You were not made for mediocrity; you were made for success.

Do not let anything or anyone negate your unique identity. You are a child of God, created with a divine purpose in life. That is a truth that nobody can take from you! {eoa}

Active in ministry for over 20 years, best-selling author Apostle Guillermo Maldonado is the founder of King Jesus International Ministry—one of the fastest-growing multicultural churches in the United States—which has been recognized for its visible manifestations of God’s supernatural power. He is a spiritual father to 400 churches in 70 countries, which form the Supernatural Global Network. He is also the founder of the University of the Supernatural Ministry (USM). Apostle Maldonado has a doctorate in Christian counseling and a master’s degree in practical theology.

Edited excerpt from Created for Purpose, © 2019 by Guillermo Maldonado, published by Whitaker House. Used with permission.

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