Guillermo Maldonado

  • How the Jewish Feasts Point to God’s Last-Days Timetable

    How the Jewish Feasts Point to God’s Last-Days Timetable

    The signs of the end of the age and Jesus’ appearing are evident in the physical and spiritual worlds. But most people, including Christians, have not recognized them. How can we discern them? One sure way is by understanding how the Jewish feasts, or the feasts of the Lord, point to the ages of man,

  • Why Creative Miracles Are Available to All Believers

    Why Creative Miracles Are Available to All Believers

    Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we can now experience the fullness of His resurrection life! He provides us with the great exchange: He gives us His spiritual and physical life in place of our spiritual and physical death. Today, we can live according to His life in us, receiving all the benefits of

  • This Anointing Will Empower You to Fulfill Your Divine Assignment

    This Anointing Will Empower You to Fulfill Your Divine Assignment

    Becoming who we were created to be is possible only through the grace, power and anointing of God. Our purpose has a heavenly origin, and therefore, it is beyond the perception of our natural senses. It transcends the boundaries of human reason and ability as well as the limits of physical law. Thus, we categorically

  • The Biblical Truth No One Can Steal From You

    The Biblical Truth No One Can Steal From You

    God has a purpose for everyone and everything He created. To live according to our purpose, we must understand that God never does anything as merely a test or an experiment—that when He creates something, it is because He has already given it a reason for existence and knows exactly how His creation will respond.

  • Run Fast From These 10 Major Stress Inducers

    Run Fast From These 10 Major Stress Inducers

    At times, life can become a vicious cycle of anxiety and stress. Yet the majority of us are so immersed in our daily responsibilities that we barely have time to identify exactly what stresses us or what stresses us the most. What is the greatest stress factor in your life? There is a way out

  • This Common Problem Will Enslave, Kill You if You Let It

    This Common Problem Will Enslave, Kill You if You Let It

    A recent Gallup poll found that more than a third of the world’s population experiences a lot of worry and stress. Stress is having such a negative effect in the U.S., where nearly half of Americans say they’re suffering from it, that it’s eating away at their overall well-being, according to the American Psychological Association.

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