Mon. Sep 9th, 2024

Visionaries of Israel: How Zechariah 12:5 Speaks of Our Times

When we talk about a “visionary,” we most likely picture someone such as Ezekiel the prophet, or John the disciple of Yeshua. Ezekiel painted prophetic images of heavenly chariots and heavenly creatures, and he prophesied about the future. John also saw visions and the glory of the Son of God, Yeshua, and prophesied about the future. However, this is not what I mean when I use the word “visionary” with a small “v.” Rather, I’m referring to something more modest, being “pioneers,” that which has become our calling today.

Every year, I am privileged to visit different countries and see different Christian denominations, organizations and structures. And I say, “Great job! You are well advanced in creating visible expressions of the kingdom. You have programs and institutions. You assist the elderly and the poor, and you work with young people and children.” To be honest, I am sometimes envious, but in a good way. Then when I return to Israel, though I know that the Lord renews and restores, I see so many niches—places not yet filled with the kingdom. There is an overwhelming desire to fill these niches. I call this pioneering desire being “visionary.” However, I think kingdom initiatives are much more important than titles. Even more important is the ability to turn initiatives into realities. We want to see the kingdom of Yeshua gradually and consistently filling unfilled niches, despite difficulties and great opposition—even in Israel!

We praise the Lord for all the existing programs—for soldiers, youth and children, and the home for elderly believers in progress, and music schools and art schools. However, from my point of view, we need more of them and better. Zechariah 12:5 (TLV) says:

“Then the leaders of Judah will say in their heart, ‘The inhabitants of Jerusalem are my strength through Adonai- Tzva’ot (the Lord of Hosts) their God.'”

It seems to me that this speaks of our times. When I read “the leaders of Judah,” I see Israeli government officials. When I read “inhabitants of Jerusalem,” I see Israeli believers. And indeed some Israeli government officials on different levels are beginning to view Israeli believers in Yeshua as an asset, a strength for the country, through their faith in the Lord. What are Messianic believers doing today? They are setting up many programs to fill empty kingdom niches. Among these, helping our neighbors has a high priority, and we do it with great desire and motivation. This is just the beginning, and already the “leaders of Judah” know about it. More importantly God knows about it. He knows our hearts and motives. Praise the Lord! These are your prayers, your gifts and your vision, together with our vision, work and efforts.

Please continue to pray for our team here at Return to Zion, for the Music and Art School, our humanitarian projects and the soldiers’ project. {eoa}

This article originally appeared at

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