Ron Allen

  • Support Godly Economy by Defending Free Enterprise

    Support Godly Economy by Defending Free Enterprise

    Our research indicates that the economic system we call the free enterprise system was derived from the laws given to the Israelites in our Bible. Free enterprise is the basis of the prosperity we have inherited in America, yet it has come under increasing attack by anti-freedom and anti-Christian forces that have arisen. Recently our

  • Let’s Celebrate ‘Declaration Day’

    Let’s Celebrate ‘Declaration Day’

    On July 4, we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, calling it Independence Day. But our independence actually came seven years later, in 1783. On July 4, 1776, we made a declaration of our basic principles which means the holiday should really be called “Declaration Day.” Our Founding Fathers declared, first of all

  • Solar Supercharge Displays God’s Sovereignty

    Solar Supercharge Displays God’s Sovereignty

    Last month, the sun sent a reminder that it is still in control of Earth’s climate. A powerful solar flare supercharged the outflow of solar particles known as the solar wind, overwhelming earth’s protective magnetic field. As a result, the Aurora Borealis, which usually surrounds the North Pole, moved farther south than it has been

  • Remember the Lessons of Tiananmen Square

    Remember the Lessons of Tiananmen Square

    Thirty-five years ago, on the night of June 3, 1989, the Chinese Communist Party murdered thousands of democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square. This event resonates even today and needs to be remembered. Compared to the 35 million deliberately starved to death in the ’50s and the millions killed in the Cultural Revolution of the ’70s,

  • Honoring Our Defenders on Memorial Day

    Honoring Our Defenders on Memorial Day

    Today, Memorial Day, the U.S. pauses to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in our defense. Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now!  Warfare is one of mankind’s oldest activities . Beginning with Nimrod in Babylon, rulers have used armed forces to subjugate their enemies and often, their own people. The

  • Mom’s Recipe for Financial Freedom

    Mom’s Recipe for Financial Freedom

    This Sunday, we celebrate our mothers and all the wisdom they tried to impart to us. Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! Now that we’re grown up, perhaps we can use some of that wisdom in our fight for financial freedom. Some things to remember: Get your FREE CHARISMA NEWSLETTERS today!

  • Do This to Stay Healthy in Your Golden Years

    Do This to Stay Healthy in Your Golden Years

    We’ve observed in the past that many people will need to work in their retirement years because of financial necessity. Now more and more evidence is piling up that working into your retirement years can actually lead to a longer life. Scientific researchers have found that people who work in their golden years actually live

  • Promise in the Stars: Darkness at Noon

    Promise in the Stars: Darkness at Noon

    As the birth of Jesus had been announced by the light of the star of Bethlehem, so the death of Jesus was announced by the darkness of Calvary (Luke 23:44-45). It is not likely that an atmospheric phenomenon caused the unusual darkness because of the astonishment expressed by observers. Further, the cause of the darkness

  • The Unspoken Cost of ‘Palestine Will Be Free’

    The Unspoken Cost of ‘Palestine Will Be Free’

    Students shouting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” seem to think Hamas is a democratic national liberation movement. Nothing could be further from the truth. Hamas was founded in 1987 as an Islamist political organization designed to drive Jews and other non-Islamists away from Palestine and expand its rule over the

  • National Day of Prayer: Praying for ‘Times of Refreshing’

    National Day of Prayer: Praying for ‘Times of Refreshing’

    Let us gather on the National Day of Prayer, May 2, 2024, and pray for “times of refreshing” from the Lord: “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” (Acts 3:19, NIV). We know from 2 Chronicles 7:14 that it

  • Consider Biblical Budgeting for Tax-Time Relief

    Consider Biblical Budgeting for Tax-Time Relief

    For many people, tax time and an unexpected tax bill bring shortcomings in family financial planning into painful focus. Yet often the attempt to bring financial balance is itself a painful process that leads to failure and frustration. Many treat their budget like a New Year’s resolution and ignore it after a few weeks. Then

  • 2024 Eclipse: A Day of Awe

    2024 Eclipse: A Day of Awe

    Americans experienced a day of awe on April 8 as God sent His sign, the 2024 eclipse, across the nation. Millions gathered in the path of totality, hoping that the predictions of cloudy weather were wrong. Millions more watched on television as the whole nation stood still in anticipation. Then, city by city, God parted

  • End-Times Confusion and the Great American Eclipse

    End-Times Confusion and the Great American Eclipse

    As the Great American Eclipse of April 8 approaches, the internet is buzzing with theories and speculation about its meaning. Some have gone so far as to declare that the rapture and Second Coming will happen this year. You may have heard that there have been 12,000 solar eclipses since 1776, but this one and

  • Keep Hope Alive This Easter

    Keep Hope Alive This Easter

    If you are in crisis, please call 988 or visit You are not alone. Some years ago, I counseled with a young man who considered suicide because of a $5,000 debt. That’s when I learned that it’s not the amount of debt that matters; it’s the burden of the debt on the soul. Studies show there

  • Good Friday: The 7 Last Words of Jesus

    Good Friday: The 7 Last Words of Jesus

    As Jesus hung on the cross, struggling painfully for each breath, He uttered seven short, powerful statements showing who He was and what was happening, and encouraging those who would follow Him. It was His last sermon. Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! Get your FREE CHARISMA NEWSLETTERS today! Stay up

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