Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Prophetic Word: It’s Time for the Silence Breakers to Roar!

This year, the Time magazine Person of the Year issue was not a single individual. Rather, it was a group of women called The Silence Breakers. These were the catalytic voices who began to boldly challenge the rampant, hideous sexual harassment taking place behind the scenes in the entertainment and media mountains.

However, the prophetic word is not about dealing with sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior (although this is definitely a positive thing). Also, this word does not endorse any of the views of the women represented on the cover. More than anything, I think the Lord is using the language written on this magazine to get our attention and open our eyes to something He is doing.

As I looked at the magazine cover, I sensed the Holy Spirit saying, “It’s time for the silence breakers to roar. For it’s the roar of the daughters of God that catalyze movement in the kingdom of God.”

Holy Spirit outpouring is not complete unless both sons and daughters are prophesying, fulfilling their assignments. Joel prophetically pointed to a day where both the sons and daughters will prophesy (see Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17). Fulfillment initiated on the Day of Pentecost, but I believe we have not seen the fullness of this fulfillment or even a measure of fullness.

One of the key reasons is that for a long time, centuries even, the voice of the daughters was muted. It’s hard to fathom that women only gained the right to voice in the early 20th century. The voice of Holy Spirit outpouring will always be muted compared to what it could be when the voice of the daughters is silent.

Compared to what the church could be operating in, we are basically walking in silence. The voice of the Ekklesia (the born again, Spirit-filled community of believers on planet Earth) was not meant to merely be used for the sake of protest and politicizing. Of course, we validly protest immorality, and appropriately engaged the political systems. But the church should be seen as far more than a group that’s against everyone and everything. This is a mischaracterization, sure, but I believe the Lord is calling us to re-write the cultural narrative concerning the church.

The Lord is calling His church back to its original assignment, as outlined by Jesus in Matthew 16:18b-19): “And on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Jesus’ church in Matthew 16 is not a building, organization or institution; it might operate in some of these contexts, sure, but the church Jesus introduced was a company of people grounded in the revelation of the Son of God, anointed by the Spirit of God, and empowered to advance the kingdom of God. It’s illegal for darkness to be gaining ground against the church of Jesus Christ. If it is, we need to do an “about face” and prayerfully consider how the Spirit might be calling us back to the original design introduced by Jesus.

The voice of the Ekklesia was meant to roar; it’s purposed and empowered to bind that which is forbidden in heaven and loose/release that which makes up the culture of heaven. We bind injustice, sickness, torment and all matters of darkness that are stealing, killing and destroying. We loose forgiveness, love, justice, healing, deliverance, freedom and, above all, reconciliation with God through the precious blood of Jesus.

When the voice of the Ekklesia roars, things should shift. Why aren’t they? I’m sure there are many reasons.

One of the highlighted ones, though, is what the Holy Spirit is showing me through the Time magazine Person of the Year cover.

Women of God, you are called to break the silence. You are silence breakers. The collective voice of both sons and daughters, prophesying together, leading together, warring together, creating wealth together and advancing the kingdom together—this is what will release the roar of the Ekklesia. It will be sons and daughters in cooperation, not competition, declaring the decree of the Lord!

Why settle for silence when we can release the roar that establishes government in the spirit realm and pushes back the influence of darkness in the planet? {eoa}

Larry Sparks is publisher for Destiny Image (, a Spirit-filled publishing house pioneered by Don Nori Sr. in 1983 with a mandate to publish the prophets. Larry is fueled by a vision to help the church community create space for the Holy Spirit to move in freedom, power and revival fire, providing every believer with an opportunity to have a life-changing encounter in the Presence of God. In addition to publishing, Larry is a regular contributor to Charisma Magazine, he conducts seminars on revival, hosts regional Renewing South Florida gatherings, and has been featured on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, TBN, CBN, the ElijahList, and Cornerstone TV. He earned a Master of Divinity from Regent University and enjoys life in Texas with his beautiful wife and beloved daughter (

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