Larry Sparks

  • Prophecy: The Lord Is Restoring the Roar of Praise

    Prophecy: The Lord Is Restoring the Roar of Praise

    I don’t have a prophetic word about the coronavirus. I do, however, have a very clear word from the Lord about a supernatural key that will help the church silence the all-consuming roar of fear right now, starting with our own lives. When fear boasts loud, it should be a convicting call for the praises

  • Prophecy: British Isles, It’s Time to Reap What You’ve Sown!

    Prophecy: British Isles, It’s Time to Reap What You’ve Sown!

    Recently, the Spirit of the Lord said to me: “It’s time for the U.K. and Europe to reap what they have sown.” At first glance, such a statement might produce some fear and trembling because of how we are religiously bent to think. Often, when we consider the concept of sowing and reaping, we think

  • The Powerful Way Destiny Image Founder Don Nori Impacted Christian Culture

    The Powerful Way Destiny Image Founder Don Nori Impacted Christian Culture

    “He raised us up with Christ the exalted One, and we ascended with him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated as one with Christ!” (Eph. 1:6, TPT). The apostle Paul powerfully points us to the reality of living “seated with Christ in heavenly places.” While this

  • Prophetic Word: God Is Radically Changing What Christian Conferences Look Like

    Prophetic Word: God Is Radically Changing What Christian Conferences Look Like

    I see Christian conferences becoming convergence points for the ekklesia to assemble and do business in the heavenly realm. Convergence zones. I heard the Lord saying that conferences will become council room appointments for the ekklesia—for the body of Christ to come together to: 1) Hear from heaven, 2) declare what heaven is saying through

  • Prepare Yourself for the Roar of Holy Spirit Outpouring This Year

    Prepare Yourself for the Roar of Holy Spirit Outpouring This Year

    I sense that 2018 is the year of the  roar of the Lord. In fact, the Holy Spirit gave me eight different roars that were going to be released in 2018, either starting or noticeably accelerating. One of them was the roar of the Ruach HaKodesh, the roar of the Holy Spirit. A Cry From

  • Why We Must Embrace the Weird Movement of the Holy Spirit

    Why We Must Embrace the Weird Movement of the Holy Spirit

    “Lord, send revival…” (but don’t let it be weird) Many people in different denominations are praying these spiritual words. These sound nice, yes, but what we are often really praying is, “Lord, send revival… on my terms.”   Every time God moved in Scripture or recent history, His movement—by and large—was accompanied by weird phenomena. What

  • Prophetic Word: It’s Time for the Silence Breakers to Roar!

    Prophetic Word: It’s Time for the Silence Breakers to Roar!

    This year, the Time magazine Person of the Year issue was not a single individual. Rather, it was a group of women called The Silence Breakers. These were the catalytic voices who began to boldly challenge the rampant, hideous sexual harassment taking place behind the scenes in the entertainment and media mountains. However, the prophetic word is not about

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Is Extending a Christmas Dare to His People

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Is Extending a Christmas Dare to His People

    This Christmas, the Lord is extending a dare to His people. “I dare you…” Dares from Heaven to Earth are not flippant. They’re not like adolescent dares from our childhood peers, where the reward for our risk was a mere high five. When Heaven extends a dare, the Lord seeks to partner with a willing, obedient

  • How Holy Spirit Brought Karen Wheaton’s Prodigal Daughter Back Home

    How Holy Spirit Brought Karen Wheaton’s Prodigal Daughter Back Home

    This is one of the most powerful miracle testimonies I’ve ever followed. It’s especially powerful to me because I know many of the key parties involved—namely, Karen Wheaton, the mother of the author, Lindsey Wheaton-Doss. I share this on my blog because I believe Lindsey’s story carries an impartation for hope and supernatural breakthrough. Read

  • Prophetic Word: I Hear a Holy Spirit Fire Alarm Going Off!

    Prophetic Word: I Hear a Holy Spirit Fire Alarm Going Off!

    I received the following prophetic word at my hotel in Toronto, Canada, after receiving prayer from Carol Arnott: I believe a fire alarm is going off in the spirit realm; for some it’s good, for some it’s bad. For some, they are running toward the fire—they are following the loud, interrupting sound of the alarm.

  • Prophetic Word: God Is Handing Out Swords and Mantles to His Wonder Women

    Prophetic Word: God Is Handing Out Swords and Mantles to His Wonder Women

    While watching Wonder Woman with my family, I sensed the Holy Spirit present a series of prophetic thoughts directed at what He is doing in women in this generation. The Lord is handing out swords to women in this hour!   A sword represents authority. A sword qualifies you to fight. A sword is not a shield. A

  • Prophecy: Holy Spirit Is Awakening Daughter-Prophets to Be Great Influencers in This Hour

    Prophecy: Holy Spirit Is Awakening Daughter-Prophets to Be Great Influencers in This Hour

    Outpouring is incomplete and partial until the daughters of God begin to prophesy. “In the last days it shall be,’ says God, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Even on My menservants and maidservants I will

  • Prophetic Words Heralding the Next Massive Wave of Glory

    Prophetic Words Heralding the Next Massive Wave of Glory

    I prophesy that we are entering a season where we all have the invitation to participate in a revival that is not meant to have an end date, but only increase and intensify until the Son of Man splits the sky and sets down on planet Earth. This fulfills the ever-expanding kingdom prophecy of Isaiah

  • 3 Prophetic Keys to Seeing Heaven’s River Unleashed in This Generation

    3 Prophetic Keys to Seeing Heaven’s River Unleashed in This Generation

    The key to Holy Spirit outpouring in this next season can be found in the following passages of Scripture in this order: Psalm 63, Psalm 46, John 7:37-39, and Ezekiel 47:12. 1. Have heaven’s perspective of your sphere of influence. O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for

  • Are We About to See an Undiluted, Unrestrained Outpouring of Holy Spirit Revival?

    Are We About to See an Undiluted, Unrestrained Outpouring of Holy Spirit Revival?

    The wave of God’s glory that is coming upon the church needs to be released into the earth.  Revival was never meant to be characterized by a start and end date; it was meant to confront and redefine what we consider to be “normal” Christianity.  Sadly, we see too much of a revival ebb and

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