Wed. Sep 25th, 2024

Second Coming of Christ Imminent, Says Former Congresswoman

Michelle Bachmann says Christ's return is imminent.

Michelle Bachmann has never been shy about her faith or lacked the boldness to confront the difficult issues. The former congresswoman didn’t hold back on Jan Markell’s Understanding the Times radio broadcast this week.

For starters, she warned that God is going to bring judgment on America thanks to President Obama’s foreign policy. She called Obama ignorant of Islamic scripture and Islamic history and accused him of intentionally lying to the American people.

“He constantly talks about perverting Islam, but we have literally centuries and centuries of theory and practice of the Quran and the Hadith, which are traditions, the works of Islamic jurisprudence, that say one complete, consistent truth and that’s that they want to have a nuclear weapon,” she said.

“There is no fatwa out there,” she added. “This is a lie, in my opinion, that the president is perpetrating. But that’s what we’ve seen—a doctrine of deception. From the time Barack Obama has come in, I have witnessed firsthand a doctrine of deception.”

Bachmann then turned to a more hopeful thought: the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

“The good news that I want to transition to is that, remember the prophets said in the Old Testament, they longed to look into the days that we live in, they long to be a part of these days. That’s why these are not fearful times, these are the most exciting days in history,” Bachmann said.

“Every single day we can talk about God’s time clock and the fact that Jesus Christ’s return is imminent. We have very little time, in my opinion, left before the second return of Christ. That’s good news. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus. So do we despair? The despairing is that we see that our world is not going the way of salvation and the way of blessing, the world is embracing degeneracy.”

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